Chapter 30

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y/n POV
I awoke to the sound of rustling. I sat up and saw people packing up. I rubbed my head and found a lump and then it all came back to me. I saw Jorge approach me and I could see the guilt in his eyes. "You, you did this," I screamed and everyone stopped moving. "You are not my father, I don't need you to protect me," I yelled in his face. He just stood there and took it while the tears started forming in my eyes. "I could... I could've saved them." He didn't say anything just took me into his arms and held me as I sobbed. "Shhh, it will all be okay." He whispered into my head. He stroked my hair until I calmed myself down. We stood there for what seemed like forever until I pulled back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean." He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry Hermano. Those were your friends that were taken. We all say things we don't mean when we are hurting." He saluted with two fingers and made his way over to Brenda.

Thomas POV
I stood on a rock and got people's attention. I saw y/n walking over. "We need to go and get Minho. I promised him I would never leave him. He can't be kept in a cage and left lifeless. As well Gally needs to be rescued." People started bickering saying it was a stupid idea. But y/n spoke up, "Thomas I am with you. I am prepared to risk the nothing we have to get them back." She smiled and I nodded at her. It took some convincing but we got the rest of them on board.

Newt POV
My head was pulsing and I was seeing red. I tried to find y/n but I saw her talking to Noah. He wasn't good and she was playing into it. I couldn't think straight so I stumbled off trying to get my head out of the fuzz.

y/n POV
I saw Newt leaving. "Hey Noah, I'll be right back." I turned to go and follow him. I caught up to Newt. "Hey, what's going on you okay?" He sharply turned around and he looked different. "Shut up y/n. Why don't you go and talk to Noah? Since you two seem so close. You don't need me anymore. So why don't you just go away." I was shocked to hear this coming out of my sweet Newt's mouth. "I came over here to check on you. I was worried about you." He just laughed, "Yea that's right. I'm a sad and sorry excuse of a person. I'm just your burden and all I do is make you worry. I get it, Noah is more fun and easy. You left so easy and just forgot about me. I warned you about Noah. But no, little miss perfect had to get involved." I didn't know what he was even saying. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder but he pulled away. "Newt I don't know what's going on. But I need you to snap out of it. Where is my Newt?" He just walked further away and screamed "Go away, please." I gasped and screamed "fine."

Aris POV
I heard screaming and saw y/n storming back to the group. A couple of seconds later I saw Noah following her. I knew that couldn't be good. So I followed loosely behind to make sure nothing bad happened.

Noah POV
This was it for me. "Hey y/n you okay?" She turned around laughing. "I am fine. But Newt has this twisted idea that you like me. Out of all people, you. Like seriously we are just friends. Why can't he grasp the fact that there is no you and I?" I approached her, "Well about that..." I leaned to kiss her but she pulled away. "What are you doing Noah?" She questioned, clearly confused. "Oh, I thought maybe you liked me too. I mean I do actually like you. Clearly, Newt sees something so maybe he is right. Maybe we should explore something between the two of us. There could be a you and I." I smiled, expecting her to smile but she just frowned back at me.

y/n POV
Newt was right. He knew it and I ignored him. Oh, I feel so bad for doubting him. "Noah no. Newt was right and I should've trusted him. I don't like you, and I'm sorry if I ever led you on. But this will never happen. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and find my boyfriend." I ran into Aris on my way to find Newt. "Did you know?" He laughed, "y/n everyone knew." I just stared at him dumbfound and shook my head. "I don't have time for this. I have to go and find Newt."

Newt POV
I could feel the fuzz leaving my brain slowly. I just had to stay away from people so no one would get hurt. But I heard y/n making her way over to me.

y/n POV
"Newt. I am so sorry. You were right he did like me. He had this idea that there was an us. I never meant for that to happen. For me, it has always just been you." I saw him smile and for a split second, I saw my Newt before something changed. It was like a switch had gone off and changed everything.

Newt POV
I was ready to forgive her but then I thought of Noah and everything got cloudy again. I felt like I didn't have any control. "Oh just great. I'm tired of it y/n. Always being scared that you are going to run off with some other guy." I could see her trying to reason with me but my mouth just kept rambling. "Save it y/n. I am done."

y/n POV
I was shocked, what did he just say? "You're breaking up with me?" He laughed, "don't look so shocked darling." I could hear the poison dripping off his voice. "It is over. Go and run back to Noah and see if he'll take you back. Don't want to have you being alone do we?" He chuckled. I just lost it. "Fuck you, Newton. I thought we had something special but I guess if you are willing to throw it all away because of a misunderstanding. Then fine so be it. Don't come running back to me you little Kluck." I stormed off, I refused to have that man see me cry. I cared for him more than I could remember ever caring for someone. I ran into Frypan's arms and we just sat there in silence trying to make everything better.

Newt POV
What just happened? I had to get out of here for a short time. I ran up to the cliffs. What was happening to me? What was I turning into? I didn't mean anything I had said to y/n but I couldn't stop it from coming out of my mouth. I could feel myself losing control and it scared me. I didn't know what was coming but I don't think I was ready.

The end of the second maze runner book in my series.

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