Chapter 7

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y/n POV
They were doing a bunch of weird tests on us. They claimed it was to see if we were healthy after being in the maze for so long. They had me running on this treadmill for what felt forever. I hate running. Who runs for fun? I looked over and saw Minho running on the treadmill beside me. "Minho, who runs for fun?" I huffed out. "Nobody, I became a runner because I excel at running, not because I enjoy it." He quickly responded. We both started laughing and finally, the 'scientist' let us stop. He sat me down in a chair and pulled out a large needle. "Oh, hell no Mr. Doctor man." I moved to stand up. "Sit down missy," he pushes me down. Who the shuck does this guy think he is? "It's just the nutrients that you were deprived of when trapped in the maze." He rolled his eyes. "But I was only there for like a month and a half, I probably wasn't deprived that much. So take the death needle away, thanks." I go to get up again when Minho walks over. "So you weren't scared to take on Gally and completely beat his ass, but this little needle scares you?" he starts to laugh. Newt yelled over "She also had you lying on your back." This stopped his laughter and he glared at Newt and muttered "uncalled for dude". I point to the needle. "Minho you can't call THAT small." He smirked, "well I have to compare it to something." I just looked at him dead-faced and this time Fry yelled over. "Funny Minho, I've seen it, and if that's the comparison then that needle is HUGE." Everyone started to laugh. "Ouch." I shrieked, I looked over and the needle was being pulled out of my arm. "What the hell, you shuck face, did NOT have my permission to stick that in my arm." I pointed my finger at his chest and he backed up. All the guys rushed behind me, "y/n maybe just take a breath and step back," Gally piped up. I turned over my shoulder and glared at him. Gally put his arms up in defence and Newt put his arm on his shoulder and shook his head. "Ya, get him y/n," cheered Fry, jumping up a little with his fist in the air. I turned back to him. "You may be in charge of your little play area but that does not mean that you can do whatever you want to. So do we have an understanding?" I poked his chest. But then I hear a click and see a different 'scientist' pointing a gun at my head. The next thing I know Minho has the other 'scientist' in a headlock and Fry has the gun pointed at a different 'scientist' who has a gun pointed at Minho. Newt broke a test tube and is pointing it at an unarmed 'scientist'. Gally has his fists raised, and both Thomas and Winston look a little lost. Then the door opens.

Janson POV
"What the hell is going on here?" I was shocked by the sight I was seeing. The lab was a mess, "who started this?" I demand. Of course, all the scientists pointed at y/n and all of the kids pointed at one scientist. It was the scientist that was in front of y/n, of course. I sigh and shake my head. "Okay, everyone out and back to your rooms. No more funny business." I pointed out the door and slowly one by one they piled out.

Newt POV
What a stupid situation. It wasn't our fault, that 'scientist' was super sketchy. "Whatcha thinking about?" y/n walks up beside me, "you're scowling," she laughs. "Nothing important," I respond as I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead. "Bull honky!" She exclaims. "Bull honky? Is that even a real saying?" I laugh. She stops and crosses her arms "Oh it totally is," she says seriously. "Is that so," I cross my arms and step in closer. "Yup 100%," she whispers and pulls me by the collar so that our lips connect. Her arms wrap around my neck as I pull her in closer. I kissed her softly but it got deeper quickly. After a couple more seconds, I reply "you make a pretty good case for the totally real word." She laughs against my lips. "Come on, we should head to the rooms, I have work to do tonight." One last quick kiss and she links her fingers within mine and we head back to the rooms.

................Time Skip..............

AU: Oh my god guys I'm really sorry. It's been so long since I last updated. Life has been a little hectic and I've lost some of my motivation for this series. But I promise I'm trying. Alright, hope you are enjoying the series and keep on reading 😊.

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