Chapter 3

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------- recap -------

  As I walk down the all I see a I think asian girl, possibly Philippino with dark black hair and the tips are died dirty blond... I know that girl anywhere. I gasp. It can't be, but she moved and i haven' t seen her since my father died. When she sees me her eyes widen



We ran into each others arms and hugged for awhile. I'm so glad got my best friend back!

----- preesent ----

Jaylynn's P.O.V

"OMG! I can't' believe it's you! I missed you so much!" she says, then I feel something wet on my shoulder, she must be crying i'm probably am too but i don't care.

"I MISSED YOU TOO!" I almost yelled. 

I got my best friend back! After about like 3 minutes of hugging we let go. Then I saw a buries on her left arm. "Ali?" i question her with a firm but worried face looking down at her arm. "Hmm what?" she says looking down at her arm.

"oh that? that's nothing, I just hit my arm on the corner of my dresser really hard this morning" she said fast almost sounding like a question, I raised one eyebrow at her crossing my arms.  Instead of a answer i get the original ' I'll tell you later look'  from her I just nod my head hoping that "later" i will get an answer.

"Fine, but let me see your schedule!" I soon have a big grin on my face "we have most of our classes together except for French and Math!"

She smiled as she compares our schedules....

My Schedule                                               Aaliyah's Schedule

Homeroom                                                   Homeroom                                              

Period 1- Science                                      Period 1- Science

Period 2- History                                        Period 2- History

Period 3- Math                                             Period 3- Honor Math

Period 4- Free Period                                Period 4- free period

Period 5- Music                                          Period 5- Music

Lunch                                                            Lunch

Period 6- French                                        Period 6- Spanish

Period 7- Drama                                        Period- Drama

Period 8- P.E.                                              Period 8- P.E.

 We hugged one more time before heading to homeroom. The teacher's name was Mrs.Trinket I think. On Our way there we started catching up when a stuck up blond pushed me into the locker...

"HEY! watch were your going bitch!" I thought it was from me but boy was i wrong! It came from Aaliyah! 

"oh really and what are you going to do about it!" The blond said as her minions yeah that's a good name laughed. Next thing i know Me and Aaliyah steps closer to them.

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