Chapter 18

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Peeta P.O.V

We all headed to Aaliyah's house because she wasn't picking up her phone.

We knock on the door and her aunt answers.

"Hello Tiana, how are you?" Glimmer asked. She had a sad expression.

"Are you ok?" I ask, she shakes her head.

"Have you seen Aaliyah, she didn't come home last night" She says. What is she talking about.

"What do you mean?" Jaylynn asked. Different emotions flash through her face.

"We think that she is missing" Her uncle comes behind her. Jay legs go out and nearly falls but Erick catches her.

"That can't be true" Kat says. It starts to get cold and wind is blowing hard. I put my arms around Katniss.

"Hey calm down she could be at Victor's house okay?" I whisper in her ear. She nods.

"We'll check at Victors house" Jo says. They nod and we drive to his house. We knock on his front door. Anna and his mom opens it up.

"Hello, Is Aaliyah here?" Clove ask. Anna froze and excuses her self. His mom shakes her head no. 

"Can we speak to Victor, he could know where she is." Cato says. She nods and goes up stairs. We here talking and footsteps. He comes down and He looks like shit! His eyes are stuff and red and there are bags under his eyes; his nose is red. His hair is a mess and He needs a shower.

But that doesn't matter right now.

"What?" He ask flatly. We look at each other and back to him his eyebrows are raised.

"Aaliyah is missing" Kat says. He faints. I try to keep my laugh in, I know bad timing but that was hilarious.

"Well that went better than I thought" Finnick sighs. Marvel laughs and shakes his head. "Come on lets carry him back to Aaliyah's house" Gale says. Marvel looks at him with one eye brow raised.

"Bitch what?" We burst out laughing. We pick him up and carry him to Finnick's car and drive back to her house. We get there and Set him on the couch. He starts to stir. We all get close to his face.

"Wha.. AHHHH!" We fall to the floor laughing. I know really bad timing but hey we teens and that was funny.

"How did I get here?" He ask

Victor P.O.V

Man I had the weirdest dream about Aaliyah being missing. Yeah impossible.

"How did I get here?" I ask to the friends rolling on the floor laughing. You try waking up to 24 eye balls looking straight at you.

"We carried you here after you fainted" Marvel says calming down. Fainted why would I faint.

"Why would I faint?" I ask. They all went dead silent, looking at each other.

"Aaliyah is missing, please don't faint again" I stay frozen so that wasn't a dream this is real. I forget how to breathe. Breathe Victor Breathe. Minutes later I find my breathe and take a huge breathe.

"That can't be true" I say. This is NOT happening!

"It is, We called the cops and they are looking for her" Heaven comes in with Prim, Rue, Kevin, Tiana and Henry.

"Prim how you get here?" Kat asked. "I slept over duh" She says. I give a small smile that isn't even noticeable.

"What if Anna had something to do with this?" Erick says. I look at him like he's crazy.

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