Chapter 10

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Jaylynn P.O.V

We walk in and see... Glass shards everywhere and a broken mirror. We look around for Katniss and hear cry in one of the stalls. I look under the closed one and see blood dripping on the floor.

"OMG! Ali come over here! Katniss open the door!" I shout. Ali comes over and ask ' What happened' I told her to look under the door. Her eyes widen.

"KATNISS! NO! OPEN UP!" she yells. the other girls come in and ask the same question. I told them the same thing and we all start to yell at Kat to open the fuking DOOR!

"Ok thats it! Move aside!" Aaliyah says. We all back up and holly shit she going to kick open the fuking door! She backs up and runs back to the door and it bust open. We see Kat going for another cut for the wrist.

Aaliyah grabs her wrist and takes the piece of glass out of her hand. She lost so much blood. We all start to cry.

"Kat why would you do this!?" We yell. "She messed up my life. She did so much to me and cause me so much pain, so I wanted to end it" She says weakly. Her eyes start to roll to the back of her head and.....-----

Hold the story, Hold the fucking story! This is the author and I am telling you this IS NOT WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! My sister did this, I am all innocent! So rewind, rewind!


Jaylynn's P.O.V

We walk in and see Kat pulling her arm back about to break the mirror. 

"Kat! NO!" We yelled. She stops what she was about to do and face us, the back to the mirror; then back to us. I hear someone enter the bathroom. We look behind us to find the girls. Kat puts her arm down and runs back to us. We get into a group hug.

We walk out the bathroom and the bell rings. We go to our classes and The good thing is that Kat has us in most of her classes; The bad thing is that Peeta is in all of her classes; Well except homeroom, if that even count as a class

This will be a long day.

Katniss P.O.V

The good thing is that I have most classes with my girls; the bad thing I have all of my classes with Peeta. This is going to be a long day. I walk with Aaliyah, Jaylynn, Glimmer and Johanna to homeroom. (A/N: I don't know about you guys but I have homeroom everyday. Yeah that's not far! :( back to the story) 

I take my seat and wait for this teacher to stop talking and for the bell to ring. About 30 minutes later the bell finally rings and I take my time to collect my things. I am the last one to walk out the door. I find Peeta waiting for me and so is Ali, Jay, Glim and Jo. When Peeta sees me Iook down. I don't think that I can face him yet. I love him, I really do with all my life but a lot of things happened in the past and most involved Delly and him.

I take a deep breath and Lift my head bravely and walk to my girls. We share a hug before walking to our next class, Science and I have to sit by Peeta of course. I look be hind me and see Peeta stareing at me with sorry eyes. 

I feel my eyes start to water so I turn back.

We reach Science and I take my seat. Peeta comes in not to long after. His gaze meets my and walks to his seat right next to me. Peeta sits down and I look at my note book for this class.

I feel paper under my arm and see a note. I get it and open it and of course it's from Peeta.

Hey can we talk after school? 

I look at it for a while and answer 'I don't know' I give it back to him and he frowns. He writes something and gives it back.

Please, I'm sorry we really need to talk; I love you Please

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