Chapter 26: The Truth

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The truth is all I want. I need answers. Everybody just doesn't want to show the full story and I wanna know why.

It's the middle of the night and I can't get any sleep. My friends and family has been keeping an close eye on me because I run off almost all of the time. Almost every where I go someone is with me. I don't have much time. I know that if I don't get answers then I'm not going to sleep.

I hop out of bed, I put on my brown uggs. Grab a jack and some clothes. I open my window and jump down and land flat on my feet. I go to the woods. Yes I have school but my grades are good. I go wolf and run to my Kate's cabin or whatever. I stop and change back then out my clothes on. I run to Kate's cabin and open the door. It's dark.

I find a switch and turn the lights on. I look for her but she's no where to be found. I put my bag down. Where is she? She has to tell me the truth. I look one more time before get my bag and leaving. I walk through the dark woods. I hear twigs crack. I turn around, nothing. I talk some more steps and it happens again. I drop my bag and transform. I can feel the fire on me.

I grab the bag in my mouth and run to an opening. I drop the bag again and is attacked.

I get pushed to a tree by a girl with like a fire orange red hair. I growl. We circle and run towards each other. I bite her and do what ever I can. I back away and howl;fire comes out. She jumps out of the way and charges again. I jump on her and kinda pin her down. She pushes me off and before she could do anything else her head get's ripped off.

I look at who did it. Kate. We run our separate ways and change. I go back and she there waiting.

"What are you doing here?" She ask.

"I'm here for answers." I growl.

"Answers to what Aaliyah" She put her hands in her pockets.

"What were you trying to protect me from Kate" I ask.

"Your safer not knowing" She says.

"Well sometimes your not safe from anything, I'm not safe from anything, not anymore" I say "Now tell me what is going on" I demand.

"As I said your safer not knowing" This women over here. "No! I have been lied to, cheated on, kept from so many secrets I have lost cont! I need the full and truthful story now!" I yell.

"Aaliyah you will never understand everything that comes so have some faith and trust your mother that you can't know what is going on! IF YOU KNOW THEY WILL COME SO MUCH SOONER!" She yells back. I'm taken back.

"Who are they Kate?" I ask. She sighs.

"Soon enough you will know." She says and was about to walk away. I stop her, I pick her up with my telepathy. I turn her around and bring her closer to me. I set her down carefully.

"No Kate I need to know" I say. "I have had enough of the secrets and lies." She sighs.

"Aaliyah You are the Night Wolf, the shadow that keeps us safe. They want you dead I knew that if I left I would be protecting you because they would have come and killed you because you are the only one who can lead us.. I found this out when you were about 1 years old." She says with tears going down her cheeks.

"I couldn't let that happen" She says. I pull her into a hug. "Thank you mom" I feel her smile. I can see the sun rising.

"I have too go but I'll see you again" I pull back. "Goodbye" She says and runs off. I fly back home. I fly back through my window and land down in my bed. I am tired. I close my eyes and wake back up a few hours later. I tiredly get into the shower. I didn't forget about all of my dance practices and other stuff.

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