Epilogue: Part 1

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Author's P.O.V

A few weeks later some time in June Aaliyah went to Vegas for the Jabbawockeez and helped them with a killer performance. She did a killer performance too.

After coming back from Vegas a few days later she lead her fellow wolfs through a fierce battle. It was a blood bath. Not many wolfs died but some did and she lead them in victory but they made a memorial in the deaths of Cameron who she know very well always hung out with him which got Victor a bit jealous. As time past in a flash the groups time came to take on the world.

But they know that they will once again see each other again and will never leave each others side that was a promise.

~~~~~ 2 years later. One day before graduation~~~~

Aaliyah's P.O.V


I always wanted to become so many different things like..... A dancer, singer, spy, detective or even a surgeon. I will find out sooner or later. I have been offered a job to choreographer for people like Little Mix, Justin Bieber, Usher, One Direction (I can't stand them but still), Beyonce. Katniss has also been offered to be the choreography for little mix and Usher and many more.

They have seen us dance. Kat has also been offered a record deal because of when we sung at the premiere. Why did they just offer her because she turned them down. She didn't want to become a pop start at the age of 16 she don't want to be one now.

Over these past two years I have learned a lot about everyone in the group. I didn't know that Peeta worked as a baker oh wait I did. I'm in Math with Finnick, Jo, and Annie. Sad that Victor ain't in this class. I laugh at what Finnick said.

"Well you deserved it for puking on her!" I say. Since tomorrow is Graduation we are talking about the stuff we've done or been through.

"Well, well!.... I got nothing" He says.

"Exactly" Jo states. I laugh. The class is just talk as the teacher is probably just playing games or something on her phone.

The bell rings and we go to our next class. Me and Victor are still in our dance team Remix. We won every single trophy for the dance competition we went to. Now we have to say good bye.

I walk down the halls looking everywhere at everyone. So many different memories are here. I replay a a memory from when Me and Jay first met the group. I was pulled out of thought when I entered Music. I see Kat and go up to her.

We hug. "Hey" We say and sit down. We talk until the teacher comes out.

"Hello class, Quiet down I know that Graduation is tomorrow but you don't need to be crazy about it." She states. We settle down and do our vocal warm ups.

"Good, Now I have an announcement to make." We sit down. She get out a paper and reads it to the class.

"As you know graduation is tomorrow so wear something nice of course and after your 4th period please report to the field to get your gowns and hats. We will file you up and family will be on th ebleachers or whatever you call them..." We all laugh. She continues "..... Anyway a speech will be given by Aaliyah Davis, so that it so short notice but you still have to give the speech." I smile.

" Yeah that is pretty much how your day will go tomorrow." I laugh again and she walks to her desk and puts her feet up and goes on her phone. We all looking at her as if to say 'What now?' or 'What are you doing?'. She looks back at us.

"What y'all can do what you want now I'm on my phone aren't I?" Everyone quickly goes back to talking.

"Glimmer says we can sleep over at her house so we can all get ready. The guys are doing whatever they are planning to do" She say and I laugh. I look around this place and back at Kat.

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