Chapter 27: Premiere

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(Still Kat's P.O.V)

We start to look for her again and find her in the kitchen making a huge mess. She has flour all over her and I think honey is all over her. She gets two full cups of water and pour them on her.

"Hey guys! You should try this it's fun!" She grab more flour and throws it up in the air.

"Aaliyah!" I say. She stops spinning and frowns.

"What's wrong Cinderella?" She crosses her arms. I watch as Victor grab her from behind and on throw her over his shoulder.

"I'll take her up stairs" He says. "Superman put me down! This is so... AWESOME!" She says

"I'm flying!" She spreads her arms out as he carries her up stairs and hey disappear up there.

Victor P.O.V

I take her up stairs and open her bedroom door. I set her down on her bed.

"Do not move!" I say, she nods and starts to jump on the bed and what not. I go to the bathroom and turn on the water, I put the stopper for the bath. I swear, I feel like I'm taking care of my own child. I put the soap in and such. I go back and she is literally flying around the room.

"Look superman I can fly too!" She say.

"Come down!" I shout. She lands in front of me. "Come on time for your bath you need to be cleaned up.

"But I don't wanna take a bath!" She stomps her feet and crosses her arms.

"Come on please I'll tell the vampire too make you pancakes!" I say. She smiles and nods. I take her hands and lead her to the bathroom.

"Ohhh! Bubbles!" She squeals. She starts to undress and hop in. I laugh. I head back down stairs. I find everyone laughing their heads off. All faces red.I join them.

"Oh my god! She is crazy!" Johanna says. We all nod. "Hey barney and barney's girlfriend how you've been?" Peeta says. They would glare but their laughing to much.

"Your the one to talk dracula!" Finnick says. When we are calm we sit on the couch.

"So were is she now?" Clove ask. "Taking a bath, Oh and Dracula you need to make her some pancakes" He looks at me like I'm crazy. I shrug.

A few minutes later we go check on her and she's not there.

"You have to be kidding me!" Jaylynn and Erick say.

"Where is she now" Marvel says.

"Don't you think we would've told you if we knew" Gale hits his head.

"Aw!" He says and rubs his head. We hear foot steps on the roof. We look at each other.

"This is Katniss all over again!" Glimmer says. I shake my head. They run done stairs and me and Finnick fly to the roof. Peeta runs up the side of the wall.

"Aaliyah! Come here now!" I demand. She looks towards me, then trips over the edge of the roof falling I super speed there and catch her. I fly her into her room and lay her down. She's asleep.

I kiss her head and walk to the back of her room. I sit on the couch and turn on a horror movie. I find myself asleep about 40 minutes later.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

I wake up in my bed. I thought I was in the hospital? I stand up with the help of my bedside table. I walk to the back of my room. I smile to myself seeing Victor asleep on the couch. I walk in front of his face and kneel down. I caress his soft cheek and kiss his warm lips.

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