Chapter 4

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------After Science------

Aaliyah's P.O.V

When the bell finally rings we are out the door.

"Hey let's meet up at lunch by the Willow Tree." Everybody replys when I get a phone call from MOTHER! Oh no. I believe that terror took over my face because everyone is staring at me. "Um I have to take this be right back" I answer the call and while I walk away.

"Hello?" I ask

"AALIYAH! YOU COME HOME AT LUNCH DO YOU HEAR ME! YOU FORGOT TO DO YOUR CHORES YOUNG LADY!"  she screams in my ear that I hand to take it away from my ear. "Ok ma I'll be there just hold on" I say trying to keep the terror out of my voice "YOU BETTER OR ELSE..." I felt like bursting into tears beacuse I knew what 'or else' ment and with that she hung up. I walk back to my freinds with a pale face. When I get there I look up they all look worried. "Um I can't meet up with you guys at lunch I have to go somewhere" I smile hope they will let this go but again I was wrong "O-ok why can't you?" Katniss ask "Umm Oh won't you look at the time we have to get to class I'll see you later"

Then I speed walk out of there and into class I was one of the first people to arrive in history. I take my seat and let out a deep breath as I close my eyes. What do you know Katniss, Annie and Johanna are with Jaylynn comming to this class. They get to the table where I'm at in the back of the class and fill in the empty seats.

"Ok what happened in the hallway Ali you told me that you'll tell me later!" Jaylynn whisper shouts with the rest eager to know. "Umm..." soon the bell rings interupting me I give a sigh knowing that I didn't have to continue "This is not over" Annie whispers. We face our attention to the teacher named Haymitch at least that is what he told us to tell him. 

The day goes on and on until lunch. We started heading out once where outside I excuse myself and get to my car and start the engine and I'm off. I just hope that I don't get in trouble. I park in the driverway. Here goes nothing...

Katniss P.O.V

What happened in the hallway was werid I never seen anybody so scared When she came back to us it's like all color just poured right out of her face. I look at the time and yeah we really have to get to class I kiss Peeta goodbye and head to history with Annie, Johanna and Jaylynn. We talk and catch up and ask Jaylynn about her life. Turns out that she has 4 other brothers and sisters. Her and Aaliyah has been freinds since kindergarden, then she moved away and then moved back.

 We arrive in history class just a few minutes before the bell. We see Aaliyah or Ali as Jaylynn likes to call her at the back of the class sitting at the table alone; so we take the seats. "Ok what happened in the hallway Ali you told me that you'll tell me later!" Jay whisper shouts. I turn my head to Ali and wait for an answer "Umm.." before she can continue the bell rings and Haymitch starts the class " This is not over" Annie whispers then we turn our attention back to the lesson I am not failing this year.

The day goes on and on until it's finally lunch we start to head out to the the tree when Aaliyah excuses herself and head out to her car. I watched her go and head back to the others.

We sit down in silence until Johanna breaks it "Did you guys see Aaliyahs arm this morning!" they all nod "What do you think happened to her?" Finnick asked puting his arm around Annie and we all turned to Jaylynn "What I don't know! I saw it in the hallway this morning and she said that she supposally hit her arm really hard on her desk by her bed" Jaylynn said, we all wait for her to continue...

"I crossed my arms because I knew that she was lieing so she said that she'll tell me later but Later never cam so I don't know" she turned her head towards the parking lot probably hopeing that she would be back by now. "I hope she's okay, I mean what ever she not telling us must be bad"

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