Chapter 13

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The door opens and we see....

Mrs.Jenn, the one that found my family and here to get the papers signed followed by... My dad, I blink twice and Hes gone. But the real person was even more scary to my own bitch of a mother. I quickly turn around and face; Tiffany, That's her first name. My mom sat by her wearing an Orange suit and two guards behind her. 

"Ok, Hello; Aaliyah, Tiana nice to see you again. Her as you can see is your Aaliyah's Mother, Raura." I shoot my mom a glare and see looks down. I was taken back but I shook it off.

"Ok Tiana please sign by all the X's and when she is done, Raura do the same" They both nod. Aunt Tiana signed and passed it to My mom. She signed A bit hesitated at first.

"Alright now Aalilyah, You and your sister and brother will move in nexted week." I stay frozen in my spot next week!

"On what day next week?" I ask a bit unsteady.

"On... Tuesday" Shit I don't think that I can do that. That's my birthday.

"That's my birthday" I say looking down a bit.

"Oh, Well then Happy almost birthday" She says with a weak smile. I laughed a bit. The room was pure silence.

"Ok, Well we're done here so; Goodbye to all see you soon" We all get up and leave. We get outside and I see my dad in the car. Then a shadow come towards it and then smash. The shadow had a smirk on it's face, got out the car and ran. I close my eyes and open them. Everything is back. I get back in my car and drive back to my house.

————— Back at the house ———————

I am on my couch cuddling with Victor. When there's a knock on my door. I go and answer it to see, Erik with a bunch of flowers.

"Um Hey Ali" He says scratching the back of his neck. Ok what the hell is going on!?

"What do you want?" I ask with total venom in my voice. He didn't even ask to come in he just barges in.

"Well these are for you and I want to.." He starts but was interrupted by Victor. Totally forgot he was here.

"Hey Ali whats happening here?" He ask walkin up to me when he spots Erick. I see Erick tense and Has an angry look on his face.

"Erick here wants too... Do what exactly?" I ask crossing my arms

"Too talk to you... alone" He glances at Victor. I have a war in my head deciding wheather or not to talk to him. I sign and turn to Victor.

"Let the boy talk to me, Wait outside ok?" I ask He nods hesitatly and I lean in and kiss him and Of course he kisses back right away. I pull back and he goes outside. I walk Erick to my livingroom. We sit on the couch.

"What you wanna talk about?" I ask leaning back on the couch.

"About, Us and what happened" He says lookinig down. I am not doing this. I stand up and was going to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. I look at him.

"Please hear me out." He says I roll my eyes and sit down.

"Now about what happened, you should let it go, I am really sorry for what happened but please forgive me, I doesn't even matter" He says, Did he really just say that! Anger boiled inside of me

"Did you really just say THAT!" I raise my voice as I stand up. "Say what?" He ask like he's confused he knows exacttly what I meant.

"That what happened did matter! It matter a whole lot!" I yell at him

"Calm down! It's not like it was my fault!" He stands up.

"It is your fault! You were my only friend and You lost that chance" I say with tears in my eyes. I turn to walk away and I am stopped once again by him. He turns me around and samshes his lips to mine. I almost kiss back until I realized what's happening. I try to push him bak but he strong, not as strong as Victor but still strong.

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