Chapter 5

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Annie P.O.V

        When I saw Jaylynn hug Aaliyah pain spread across her face. I really confused as to why she would feel pain in a hug.

"Thanks, I'll be right back" She said then grabbed her bag and rushed off probably to the girls bathroom because no one is in there during that time.

"Katniss, Jaylynn, Clove, Glimmer come on we have to go see what's wrong with Ali!" The question me with there faces but didn't denie. They all nod thier heads and follow me. Once we get there we see Aaliyah in the mirror take off something and is bleeding. We all gasp. She jumped a little and slowly turned her head. Omg what happened to her!

"Omg what happened to YOU!" Glimmer shouts

"Hey guys um.. I can explain" She says. She looks ashamed about what happened to her

"Then explain..." Johanna is mad but we can see that she feels sorry for Aaliyah. Ali explained everthing and brought tears to my eyes! "Is that why you couldn't hang out with us at lunch today" Katniss looks pissed but she has tears running down her face. Ali just nods. "It's like Peeta all over again!" That just came out of my mouth well that was a big mistake 'cause now they all give me the evil eye.

"What happened to Peeta?" Jay and Ali says with their voices dripping with concern. "We might as well tell them now" Clove shouts. So we explain everything that had happened to Peeta and that their parents are now divorced and everything. Katniss couldn't stop crying while telling this story. Jaylynn and Aaliyah had tears in their eyes to. Wow to day has been really emotional... But we have to help her with the mega scratch on her stomach... 

"Let's get you cleaned up!" I say. We all help her get cleaned up...

"Please don't tell no one else this not even the guys please!" Ali begs. We all pause for a moment and look at each other and all answered "Fine!" She sighs of relifie. Sooner or later we have to tell them or they will find out themselfs....

Peeta P.O.V

"Where are the girls at they should be back by now" Cato says getting his backpack.

"Your right, let's go get them" That came from Finnick. We grab their stuff and look for them. We final finally tem coming out of the girls Bathroom. "What were you guys doing in the girls bathroom for so long?" That just came out of my mouth.

"Nothing!" They say in a high pitch voice while Aaliyah just looks down at the ground. "Aaliyah are you ok?" Cato ask. She looks up with red puffy eyes. Has she been crying? Well now that I think of it they all have red puffy eyes.  "Okay what's up with you, All of you?" Marvel asked trying to comfert Glimmer. I'm trying to comfert Katniss and same goes for Finnick and Annie and Cato and Clove. Jaylynn is talking to Aaliyah. I'm Close enough form me to hear them...

" Ali you are going to have to tell the guys sooner or later they will start to get suspicious"  What are they talking about?

"I know they will but we can't tell them rigt now! I mean The same thing happened to Peeta and I can't even tell him somthing that he just might unerstand ! On top of that, You told me that Katniss lost her father in a house fire right?" Okay I am officaly confused. What are they talking about? What Do I understand about what is happening with Ali? But I keep listening...

"yes the point is?..." Jaylynn asked clearly confused

"My dad died in a car accident, now one else know about what happen to my father but you ok, So don't tell anyone! I do have nightmares of how my father died and I wake up screaming! Sometimes it's not only me sometime my Sister you know Heaven has a nightmare in the middle of the night!" Okay I understand very little about whats goin on but I'll talk to they guys about it. 

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