Chapter 17

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Victor's P.O.V

I can't believe that I made out with Anna! What was I thinking!

During the play you can almost clearly tell how broken she is and I am too. Last night was a mistake and it will never happen again!

I tried calling her like 100 time maybe even more! I text her enough time that I don't think I can text anymore I have unlimited text and I broke the limit!

I got home from the play and just ran up to my room locked the door and cried all night. I couldn't go to sleep. Something didn't feel right, or maybe i'm just going crazy.

I made a promise to her and broke it. I don't deserve her anyway, she's too perfect, she deserves better. I can list everything that is perfect about her.

Her hair is so soft and smooth; and when if the blue sky or night sky hits her perfectly, her eyes glisten and shine brighter than a thousand stars! She's tough, I love that she knows how to handle her self, how she protects the ones she love; how she would risk anything for anybody; how she is kind and brave and thoughtful. I need her and I love her some much it hurts.

I never should have let her go.

At this point I cry my eyes out and soon cry to sleep.

Aaliyah P.O.V

I wake up to the sun shining in my face. I open my eyes and put my hand up to block out the sun.

Where am I? I ask my self.

I look around me. Tall big trees all around me. Am I in the forest. This forest doesn't look like the one from where I live. The color is lighter and the flowers here are different. I see a figure standing by a tree. My eyes start to adjust and I see Anna!?

"What the hell? Where the hell am I?" I yell at her.

"Well well well look at who's finally awake." She says

"What do you want with me?" I ask

"What do I want... Hmm What do I want?" She teases. This bitch better answer!

"Cut the Crap! Answer the question!" I yell

"I want you... Destroyed" She has an evil smile plastered on her face. Her eyes go pitch black.

"What? who are you?" I walk to the middle of the opening in the forest.

"Oh.. let me introduce my self... I'm Shonlee! Lord of all darkness and shadows!" What the hell!? Bitch must be mental in the head. I laugh.

"Your funny, you really are; there is no way that you cou-" I get cut of by a black force hitting me. I go flying back and hit a tree; GOD DAMN THAT HURTS! What the hell! I slowly get back up. She laughs that dumb ass evil laugh from fucking Disney villains.

"Your boy friend ain't here to save you now or I should say ex-boyfriend" She laughs.

"He never loved you, you know why do you think he kissed me!" She yells. I start to tear up, I look down.

"Shut up you know nothing!" I yell, she starts to float a few inches off the ground and floats around me.

"Oh but sweetie I know everything, Now Let me destroy no one wants you here anyways!" She says, No! she's wrong... right? Victor broke my heart and I only have Heaven and Kevin.

"Oh and don't worry about your brother and Sister they'll be just fine" Is she serious right now!?

"What did you do to them!?!" I yell, I feel me being lifted off the ground, but it's not light it's dark whats happening?

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