Chapter 6

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Victor's P.O.V

I walk out of my house and head to the new dance studio that I joined. I entered unotice by the other people streching and found my way to the teacher. I ask her where I should but my stuff and she said that everyone has a locker and she handed me a paper with my locker and combanation on it. I put my stuff in and start to stretch and then something catches my eye. Well... make that a someone.

She looks amazing. Her skin tone is the most perfect shade of dark yet light brown. Her hair is in a ponytail and is curled. She is wearing a Black sports bra that look almost like a crop top and some sweats with some blue and white jordans. Her eyes... Omg her eyes are the most beautiful kind of dark brown like dark chocolate.

I snap out of my gaze when the teacher starts talking.

"Alright this year we are going to do a mash up of "Transform you" and "Freeze" We cheered it's not my favorite songs but I do like them. Not to long after the teacher continues...

"Ok settle down. Now I decided that I will decide who will lead this year and it will be..." She pauses for effect "Miss Aaliyah Davis!" I look over to the girl that I was staring at. So her name is Aaliayh that's a beautiful name.

"Ok let's get started! This year since Aaliyah is the caption she will do two different dances, one with a boy and the other with some more boys, Aaliyah you get to decide! choose wisely" She winks at her and Aaliyah Just nods and smile. She looks around the room and her eyes land on me. She must know that I'm new. Then she picks...

"Um.. for they group dance I choose; Micheal, David, Joshua, and Eric." She says; the people I'm guessing was the one who smiled and nod. I frown I really wanted to dance with her. Then...

"For the duet I pick you! Um what's your name?" She says looking at me. Wait at me! My body got into actions before I could and soon I'm walking over to her.

"Hey, I'm Victor... Victor Mahdiva" I hold out my hand and a smile creeps on to her face as she's blushing. She shakes my hand and I feel sparks going all through my body. Warmth spread through my body too and I feel a smile creep onto my face. We let go way to soon; Now I feel like I miss her. I want to hold her in my arms and feel her lips on mine. 

Then we just stare into eachothers eyes when the teacher annouces that it's time for some warm ups. After warm up we start with the first group dance which is every one in the studio. The teacher puts on the song or mash up "transform you" and "Freeze". Oh and Did I mention that I'm goiing to start this new school to. Chaparral High School.

"5 6 7 8..." Aaliyah and she showed the steps that the teacher showed her. She is a fast learner and is really good at dancing. Once we our just about there we go to the second group dance with Aaliyah and the other boys. Once they start to dance I get this weird feel inside. I only know that I don't want them with her you know all over her.

I have to calm myself. I mean it's just a dance. I just can't keep my eyes off of her she amazing. Once they got most of it down I have to dance with her. Honestly I'm just over joyed. I go up her.

"Hey you ready" she ask "No I think the question is if you're ready miss dancer" I give her a wink and looks down and blushes I give her a warm smile. We start to dance and it's coming alond great. We dance to the song "2am" by Adrain Marcel. Ok so don't juge me because you know I'm a guy so I'm just sayin that her hips are hot. The way she moves them is amazing she like shakira; just darker skin tone. I go up behind her and start to copy her moves but in the oppisite direction and the boy way.

We got over half the dance memerized. I get my stuff from my locker and go up to Aaliyah.

"Hey" I say "Hey" she says

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