The Death of a Shadow

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This is a headcannon that made my friend cry, apologize in advance. These are my theories and thoughts on what could happen if Azreil dies.


Not only had the roof fallen in on top of them, it was a roof made of faebane. Just like this hole damned castel had been. Feyre was traped under him, her magic doing it best to shield them from the stone. No light existed in the small pocket of air that they had formed around them

"Az, are you alright?" She said, and he moved away from her. Yea, it was bad...

"My Siphones are broken." The cracked stones was just shards. "And I think my wing to..." His left one... He felt no pain in it. But couldn't move it.

"We need to get out of here..." Feyre said. "Rhys is working on it from the other side..." She coughed.

"We don't have time for that..." Az shadows was already moving around, trying to find a way out. "There is one way, you should be abel to get out thughe it."

"Not without you." Feyre said, holding her ground.

"The stones are not effecting my powers in the same way as yours. You can get out, I can stay and wait." Az pointed in the direction of the tunnel, to small for him but not for her. "Go mi Lady."

"No, Rhys is on his way..." She coughed again, Az shadows whispered that it was blood in her hand now.

"Go now Feyre." Az said. "It is my job to protect you, and I am telling you to get out now." Az moved again, finding that his back was unbalanced. He reached his hand up and froze. In the darkness she couldn't see it, and the lack of pain only told him one thing.

"I will send down help..."

"I know you will, GO!" She started her crawl. And leaving Azriel alone.

His wing was not broken, but had been riped of in the collapse, and the lack of pain, it was death waiting. He would bleed out before they would find him. And he was okey with that.

Gwen could move on and find her true mate, he loved her. Azriel did. But he could never make her happy in the same way as he saw his brothers make their mates happy. Mor... She would be pissed, but understand, he had never told her what he felt, he had never needed to. And he hoped she too one day could find happiness. Cassian... Azriel smiled. His brother would be fine, Mad as hell, but fine. And He would understand. No illyrian have a life with out his wings, and Cass would understand that.

Armen... She would mourn over him alone. That was how she did things. Alone, like always. But Az hoped that she would speak with Verrian. The Male was good enough for his friend... He was the only male that was good enough for Armen. And Elain... Maybe she would mourn him, or would she celebrate. He wasn't sure. Noting about her made him sure. For years they had this dance. Some days she came to him even after he got together with Gwen, and some days she couldn't look at him. Maybe because she had seen his death Az realised.

Feyre... His High Lady would be mad at herself for not noticing his missing wing. She would make sure he would have a fine grave, far from the Illyrians. He hoped that at least. And she would have Rhys at her side... Rhys... Azriel swallowed. His Brother would hate him, hate him for leaving them alone. Leaving Gwen, leaving Mor, Cass, Nyx. And maybe forgive him in a hundred years. Az fantasied that one of their kids would be named after him, he could hope. And lastly Az thought of Nyx, the young boy whom he had trained and tutored in the art of flying and sneaking. The boy he could have died for, well technically he did.

They all would survive. And Azriel was okay with that. They could move on and he would stay... He had no life anyways. Not without his wing.

The blood loss made him dissey, and maybe hallucinating. Oxygen got low, and he felt how it got harder to breath. It was close now. So so close, the darkness a welcoming one, far from the cells of his youth.

Come... A voice whispered from the darkens, not his shadows. Come... Familier, and still not... Az opened his eyes. Only to find darkness. And in the darkness, a small light. Noting more then a star.

Who are you? He asked, it was not the Mother, or the Cauldron. It was not his own mother... Or Rhysands... But similar... The star got closer.

Don't you recognise me? She smiled. Her eyes just like Rhys... Like her Brothers.

Vega? Az whispered. Rhys sister.

Come... She smiled. And he took her hand. That heaviness in his chest gone. I have missed you... Az felt it before realising it. A bond falling into place. For so long...

"I..." He said. "You..."

"I have waited for you..." His mate, maybe had he known, but never accepted it. She had been so young when she died. To young for him to notice her at the time. But they had been friends. She had taking his hands and not feared them. They had flown together, talked about all and nothing, Az had never dared to kiss her, or taken her to bed. She was Rhys sister after all. But after her death... Something had just been missing him after that day. And now... Had things been different of he had taken her hands and maybe opened up... What had his life been then?

"You hands are warm..." She said. Still close.

He looked down at them. Fining them clean and free form scares. Vega smiled, taking him to a star filed sky. Her wings folded in. Az own was back. And he moved the around her. Maybe he was crying

"We can live our life now..." She whispered.

"Vega..." He said holding her closely. He was home, and all of them he had left behind would survive. Azriel was home.


It took three days for them to found his body. He had been smiling when he died, even with the missing wing. Rhys had said it might have been for the better. Gwen had wept for days. And Cass... The Warrior had gone up in the mountains alone, only to be found by Nesta, crying and screaming.

And his grave... Rhys had taken him to the same place he had buried his mother and sister. Giving Az a final place to rest at there side. A tomb stone marked the spot, the only words carved into it said.

"Always missed, never forgotten"

And somewhere Rhys knew in his hart, that his Brother now was in a better place. 


Hope it does not hurt too much, sorry!

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