Chapter four- recklessly invisible

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Octavia aka Taurus

It's been two days. Two damn days of being home for my sisters birthday before my father was done with me and now I'm being thrown back into the nut house.

Everyone thinks I'm crazy, I'd think I was crazy if I didn't see what I saw or do what I can do but no one believes me. They say I just have good judge of character and that I have bad childhood trauma but I don't think I could make all that shit up...

It happened little less than a year ago, it was late at night.. 4am, maybe, I couldn't sleep so I went down the stairs for a glass of water until I saw a shadowy figure creeping towards my younger brothers room.

It wasn't any of my sisters, it was a male but it wasn't my father because he was taking a trip to Valencia and it wasn't Charlie himself because I heard his little snores from his bedroom.

The strange man wanted- no, needed- to get into Charlie's room and he would've to if I didn't totally freak out and drop my glass straight to the floor for it to shatter into a thousand pieces

He swung his head around in shock and after that his crimson red eyes blinked rapidly as he gave me a sickening grin, wiggling his fingers in a wave before disappearing into thin air.

I foolishly told my mother of my concerns who told my father who said I was crazy and locked me away in 'the slammer'.

Now, Two big, buff guys wearing green scrubs, escorted me down the hall with emotionless expressions on their faces

"Well aren't you boys cheery" I said switching glances between the pair of them, they just didn't look impressed and tried their best to ignore me.

They seem rather relieved when they handed me over to the nurse to get my pills, she didn't say much either and practically forced them down my throat.

It was dinner time so quite naturally I was taken to the food hall. Good. I'm starving. I picked up my tray and allowed the dinner lady to smack a load of slob on and sighed, what does a girl have to do to get decent food nowadays? I picked up an apple and figured that'll have to do for now.

"Octavia Burke, returned again, oh what did I do to deserve this?"

I turned my heel and grinned "Jordan Harris, still slumming it in the nut house" I smiled as he chuckled in response. I sat beside him, dropping my plate down and chomping on my apple.

I frowned once seeing the new purple bruise just bellow his left eye, I touched his cheek and sighed for the second time "what did you do to get a shiner?"

"Oh, that. Long story short, big Mack does not like being called a pompous asshat.. plus I put pink dye in his shampoo bottle" He answered, honestly I wasn't all surprised, typical Jordan behaviour. I cringed before he spoke again "it's all good tho, I broke his nose"

"You know if you didn't pick fights all the time, people wouldn't punch you" I told him however he merely shrugged

"And why would I do that? I need excitement in my life, tavi" he replied, he did make a fair point because seriously, how many games of chess can one play?

"Food sucks, imma go steal some chocolate pudding, I know where Janis hides it!" His lips didn't move but I saw him smirk

"No. I know what you are thinking and you can't afford to get into more trouble" I was putting my foot down, if Jordan gets caught it'll just add up for more reasons for him to get put in isolation or worse, moved to another mental hospital.

"Reading my mind? How rude." He smirked, spinning around to face the back of the kitchen, eyeing up the shelves and fridge "no one will find out, trust me, I'll be... invisible.."

I knew what that meant. "No! Jordan!" All of a sudden he was gone and I huffed in annoyance, I let out a frustrated "seriously!" And tried to focus hard on his thoughts, it was a difficult process but I always found it easier to find Jordan's thoughts than any other person, probably because I know him so well.

"I wonder what'll happen if I tripped Micheal up right now.." I heard, it was close next to one of the patients, Micheal. I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to the invisible Jordan.

"Stop following me, tavi"

"Shut up Jordan, I'm trying to stop your ass from doing something reckless" I say aloud, I couldn't help it and now I'd have to deal with the consequences, gee thanks Jordan.

Before I could even react, the buff men grabbed both my arms and dragged me back to my room "I hope you choke on your pudding!" I yelled out so Jordan can I hear and then I was taken back to my room.

There wasn't really anything special about my room, it was rather dull like the others but I did have a framed photo of me and my sisters and another of me and Jordan. I smiled at seeing them and flopped on my bed, drifting off into a deep sleep.


Sorry about the wait guys, I hope you liked it though. I put Octavia's and Jordan's powers in so your welcome, if you couldn't tell, Octavia can hear thoughts and Jordan can turn invisible but I figured you got that.

Honestly I'm making this up as I go along so I truly hope it doesn't suck ass!

See you later my pretty little readers, tar tar for now

Charlotte x

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