Chapter twenty six- what's your damage?

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Cole aka Sagittarius

There's this technique people use when filled with anxiety or doubt called the 5-4-3-2-1 method also known as the five senses exercise.

The concept is simple: list the senses you see around you, each time acknowledging less, it's supposed to bring peace of mind and a certain amount of tranquility so I gave it a go


From my understanding the room was dark, despite my vision being blurred from whatever I had been injected with, the first thing I saw was Charlie lay on the floor. Unconscious.

There was a table approximately half a meter away from me and on it were two needles, both empty, however, you could still see the little clear droplets hanging to the sides.

Beside it, a phone- this phone looked like someone had jumped on it repeatedly out of pure hate and then rolled in dirt so otherwise, it probably wasn't to important to its owner.

I looked up and squinted, the lights were very bright with a yellowish tinge- they, plus the sedation, was giving me a real headache.

There. Five things I could see; Charlie, table, needles, phone, lights.


The first thing I was aware was touching me was the tight rope around my wrists and ankles, almost definitely cutting off my circulation.

I felt the coolness of the floor and the pooling beads of sweat on my forehead giving me occasional little shivers but other than that, the room was scorching hot

I also felt the damp of my shirt that clung to my skin start to tear from the shards of glass that had been thrown at us.


I heard the jagged of my breathing, the room was so stuffy I could barely even breathe at all, hence the heavier exhaling.

From the distance, I noticed footsteps from the upstairs, probably two pairs, maybe three, and with their movement I overheard muffled voices but they were all to far away to decipher any of the words they were saying

If I listened closely, I could hear a river or stream run, which means we were obviously close to one, which also means that we were probably in the woods and far way from other people and houses.


Blood. I could smell the rich, dried blood on my skin from when the glass came down, however, it wasn't only my own, I'm positive Charlie was bleeding too and possibly someone else's on top of that.

The other was a stronger smell of bleach, someone had been scrubbing- someone was trying to hide something, but what?


My mouth was filled with a faint saltiness, I didn't know where it came from and I didn't really want to, I'm just hoping they haven't poisoned me.

Ten minutes, or what I'm thinking was ten minutes later, Charlie had begun to stir awake; it's about freaken time.

"What-what happened? Where am I?" He said groggily, picking himself up to finally face me "great, it's just you...This is all your fault."

I was a little shocked, he'd only just woke up and he's blaming me "My fault?"

"Yes your fault! You dragged me into this mess, my life was fine until you came along with your perfect life and your perfect face" he explained like it was a worthy answer

Okay, I've been nothing but nice and I've tried to help him but all I get is shit. Why does everyone think my life is so perfect? How have you got that impression? Because I'm relatively good- looking? Yeah, that's not really how it works.

"please, you were locked away your whole life because daddy didn't love you"

"What's your damage, Cole?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your damage, considering your.. lifestyle.. there is no way you don't have any, anyway, I've seen it"

"You've seen it? You don't know me, asshole" quite frankly I've had it with this arrogant prick and he could probably tell from the bitterness in my voice "in spite of what you believe, Charlie, I'm not a fucking robot; I sleep, I feel, I bleed. I'm sixteen! I'm not supposed have all the answers everyone is looking for! I'm not supposed to be perfect!"

Oh no. I showed to much emotion- I'm not supposed to do that- It's one of dad's rules:'emotions are for the weak, Cole, never show how you feel'

On the bright side, Charlie had backed off. He had taken up residence in the other corner of the room, turned away from me

My pupils dilated once I heard the footsteps drawing closer and Charlie heard them too, simultaneously, we dropped to the floor, both pretending to still be asleep, awaiting their entrance

Two of them came down, obviously I didn't know what they looked like but from the sound of them move, they were probably the same height, ranging from 5'4-5'6

"Hurry up, Zoya, we don't know when they'll wake up and that one is a hunter, y'know" one of them said

First error: they had uttered a name, you should never do that.

"It's a shame really, he's very cute" Zoya replied, ruffling through the needles so i'm guessing she wants to stick me

From the similarities in their voices, I'm guessing they're twins which is an added bonus on uncovering our captors

They injected Charlie first, then they approached me so I jolted up and ran, I ran so fast, straight out of the open door

"Hey! No fair!" Zoya called out but I ignored her and continued to run, still not knowing what either of them looked like

I thought about Charlie, despite how angry he makes me, I 'm not gonna just leave him but I am going to have to get help first.

I turned around- big mistake. I bumped into an Asian girl whom I'm presuming is one of the twins, who somehow miraculously found her way in front of me.

"You're a demon?" I said with a little uncertainty

"I'm Claire"

"I don't care" I attempted to push pass, but her grip on me was stronger and she slammed me against the wall, her arm on my chest and her knee pressed against my abdomen

"What do you want from me? From Charlie? Why only take us?"

"All will be revealed soon enough"

"That's not an answer"

She raised her finger to her lips and patted them gently , shaking her black hair around, the red at the tips reminded me of blood, perhaps it was.

She took her finger and transferred it to my mouth before pinching my face, forcing me to purse my lips, there, she placed a small kiss upon them.

I had no idea why she did until she bit down on my bottom lip, allowing my blood to bubble against her tongue

Claire pulled away with my blood on her mouth, "well, that's probably the best way to get a blood test"

"Are you objectifying me?"

She shrugged, stabbing me with the sedation and although it was muffled I still heard "that's it, be a good little boy and go back to your cell for when he arrives"

I have no idea about who this mysterious man is but I could tell he was far worse than Claire and Zoya.

And for whatever reason I was taken, any at all, that was probably my damage.


Quicker update, thank. The. Lord.

Anyway I feel like we are getting somewhere now and I'm excited even though I know what's going to happen..

Ummm so yeah, that's all.

Charlotte x

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