Chapter thirty three- run away with me

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Katerina aka Libra

I pulled myself up from out the window and gripped onto the roof I was now standing on by my feet. I had no fear when I almost slipped, I regained my balance and just picked myself up again.

"You got us all out of there.. you beat the night hag.."

The whole dream nightmare was over.

"How'd you find me?" He asked, he didn't look at me though

I climbed down next to him, my legs brushing up against his as I sat down beside him.

"I seek high places when I'm scared too" I simply stated fumbling with my fingers- it's a nasty habit I've picked up

Cole sighed in exhausted, "who said I was scared?"

"I notice these things.. I notice you.." that's not creepy is it? I mean I do pay attention to him but not like in a stalker way or anything, "you're forgetting that I have also been told I'm part angel and that I'm destined to kill my twin, that or he kills me"

It's all I ever think about these days: destroying my brother. I feel so used, my entire existence is to kill or be killed but not just that, the whole world as we know it relays on it.

"Shit I'm sorry, Kat, that sounds rough"
He was looking at me now with the most sincere of eye contact.

He tried to change the subject, it was still a morbid topic but it was slightly different "you're right.. I am scared.. I'm scared to die"

"What?" I croaked in pure fear, "why do you think you're gonna die?"

I shuffled as close to him as humanly possible and Put my hand against his shoulder, moving it slowly up and down in a comforting rotation.

His eyes swelled up with tears he wouldn't let fall, "that's how it happens- activating our powers, I mean, Ophelia thinks I don't know but I do.. she's gonna try to kill us"

My rapidly drying mouth gaped open and I struggled for my words, Cole took the opportunity to finish what he was saying:

"Our powers lie dormant until death so if- when they kill us we'll be like them and you'll most likely be some badass half angel but the thing that scares me is that I don't know what side of me will be dominant, what if my darkness will be all that's left of me?"

"Well, I'm not gonna wait around for Ophelia to kill me.." I mumbled to him but also to myself because I think I deserve more than to be given up like a lamb to the slaughter.

I partial half smile crept up onto his lips, "what are you proposing exactly?"

"We're going on the run"



Everyone needs money to survive in this harsh world, without it, you'll surely perish.

Unfortunately neither me nor Cole had much of it at this moment of time which is why we'll be taking a little pit stop home.

Now, I didn't really have much intention of returning home when I left but now knowing I must go back, is resurfacing past qualities of mine I'd rather keep buried

A lot can happen in 5 weeks. A person can change.

God, has it only been that long? It feels like forever ago being trapped in the chambre de la chasse.

"There is no way in HELL I'm getting on THAT" I announced, looking the train platform up and down

I turned my heel and began to strut off, Cole reached out and grasped at my hand, pulling me back.

"C'mon Kat, you'll be fine, just stay close to me" he said, attempting to give me reassurance while he entwined his fingers with mine, "a person could get lost in here"

He wasn't wrong: the place was extremely busy which is another reason to hate train stations, that and the amount of sweaty humans, public transport is so unhygienic!

We swerved through the crowds of people all like us queuing for their train, luckily ours was here now.

Cole and I climbed aboard the empty train.. is that normal? With the amount of people I'd assume it'll be busier?

"It's quiet.." I stated

"Too quiet" he replied

I yawned tiredly, "perhaps these people just aren't interested in travelling to the upper east side which doesn't surprise me"

He rolled his eyes playfully, making me smile  and We sat down at the very back of our cart. We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until I yawned again.

"You should sleep"

"So should you"

"I can't"

"Neither can I"

After the whole night hag incident I'm not sure I'll ever sleep again, re-reading this makes me sound a tad dramatic but I thing I've earned the right to over exaggerate.

Despite not wanting to sleep, Cole let me lean against his arm anyway and I could of drifted off there and then if it wasn't for the a abrupt stop on the tracks

The lights turned off and the place grew cold, the bone- chilled air mixed with the creepy creaking covered me in shivers.

"What the~" the banging on the cart cut Cole off as we stood to our feet

The train shook back and forth as we attempted to find the front of the train so we could reach the driver to ask him what's going on here.

The rocking clearly rattled my balance when I came tumbling down to the cold, hard ground, taking cole down with me.

I'm pretty sure he was gonna say something about how I was now on top of him but I slapped my hand over his mouth and listened carefully, for I had heard footsteps .

They grew louder and louder as they got closer and closer so I tried to keep quiet but I was afraid. I'm not embarrassed to admit I was scared because any rational person would be, fear is what keeps you alive.

"They're not here" a voice said, "fuck! Orion will kill us!"

I locked eyes with cole because that name sounded familiar to the both of us.

They did end up leaving and we did make it off that train but rest assured, we weren't out of the woods yet.


Yeah so I kinda dismissed a whole plot chapter or whatever cuz I couldn't be arsed with the whole night bag thing anymore.. sorry?

This is much better though.

Kinda shipping Cole with Katerina the most ngl

Colerina or colanna? Cuz I honestly don't know anymore.

Next chapter will have a Jordan- Octavia- Liam- Ayanna team up from JJ's POV because Jordan is my precious child who I love so much.

I have also prepared some angsty fight for the near future which we love! The story is really gonna start taking off now.

That is all dears

Charlotte x

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