Chapter forty five- not enough time to heal

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Cassie aka Virgo

"You have no idea what you're doing, do you?"

"of course I do" Cole Faust scoffed, I raised my eyebrow, "I do!"

The poor kid is in denial. I can see the guilt and regret fester up inside him just waiting to blow and when it it does, it will probably take everything out (including us) with it.

Honestly, Things aren't looking great for Cole, Ayanna and me: first we fall through the sky, then we crash in the jungle earning all sorts of injuries, third we realise we've lost our friends so we're all on our own and now we're trecking through deadly trees and poisonous plants aimlessly.

Cole was slashing through the branches and vines with his machete to make A clear path and no, I have no idea where he got that very sharp weapon from. Where does he hide these things? Actually, I don't think I wanna know...

Ayanna was limping behind because of the sprained ankle she's gained. She was muttering under her breath, either praying or cursing I'm not too sure.

Ayanna's slow pace plodding was doing wonders to Cole's tense and irritated state, "oh for God's sake, Ayanna, would you just let me heal you so we won't be walking till our hair is grey!"

"No way I'm letting you use your power! What if you make me break in half just like that damn plane!"

"You're one to talk and I didn't break the plane!"

"No, you just annihilated the pilots"

"Okay, annihilated is a very strong word! I like to think they passed peacefully"

"Ah yes because death by 'black demon gloop' is totally peaceful"

I rolled my eyes at their bickering before deciding to voice my frustration, "can you guys please stop? You fight like an old married couple"

Simultaneously, they both turned red and scowled at the same time, "we do not!"

Yeah. Whatever.

We started walking in silence again and admittedly, the quiet was better. Somewhere along the walk, Cole just stopped.

"What's wrong?" I began, he replied by raising his hand towards me as a sign to say 'shut the fuck up'

I obviously did as he said and so did Ayanna. In fact, I sorta froze, not daring to move a muscle so he wouldn't be distracted on.. whatever he was doing

"I smell blood" he whispered as he lead us to where it was coming from...I thought Cole is supposed to be part angel not part fucking bloodhound.

He strayed from the path we formed and searched for the source of the bleeding. Me and Ayanna decided to follow him.

"Someone is hurt, I can hear their breathing growing weaker"

With each step we took the more nervous I became until I finally spotted I pair of legs hidden amongst the overgrown grass.

I announced my finding to the group, "over there!" I pointed, causing us to sprint over and help this poor person so We crouched down to aid them.

"Oh my God! It's Brooke!" Ayanna panicked

We're lucky it is Brooke because she seems to be immortal and her injuries will clear up soon. However I am still curious to why she is still bleeding.

Oh.. Now I know why..

A massive chunk of metal was jabbed between her ribs, possibly piercing her lungs. SHe couldn't speak, she could nearly even breathe as her blood overflowed from her mouth.

"Hang on, Brooke" Cole comforted, "I'm gonna take this metal out so you can heal yourself"

Cole brushed the hairs from her eyes before tearing a piece of his own shirt off, "this is gonna hurt"

Brooke nodded and allowed him to put the material in her mouth to muffle her screams or maybe just for her to bite down on to ease the pain. I can't be sure because I can't say I've ever been in this situation before.

"On the count of three: one... two.." he only counted to two because he yanked the metal out of her flesh.

Blood gushed from the gaping hole the metal had caused, drenching her shirt and Cole's hands. He applied pressure while he waited for her ability to kick in.

Brooke's eyes widened with alarm, "ch.." she spluttered, blood joining her words. She tried to scramble back but her body wouldn't let her because the healing process wasn't yet completed

"Take it easy Brooke.. what are you trying to tell us?" I asked

Her arm shook weakly as she pointed to the shadow behind us, "ch..Charlie.." Our head's swung round and by God, he was there.


Hehehehehe only a couple of chapters left till the book is completed! I'm doing a sequel though, obvi. I just want a new layout and fresh start for a new storyline.

It isn't the best written but oh well

Charlotte xx

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