Chapter twenty three- awkward, much?

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Octavia aka Taurus

South hill, Virginia

Walking up the small b&b steps made me realise how nervous I actually was, I hadn't seen Charlie in years.. I had no idea how I'd react, or how he'd react.

Ever since our mom- no. That's not right, I'm not supposed to call her that, Amelia is my mother. Ever since our birth mother died, I promised I'd look out for the twins and I haven't really done that, especially for Charlie.

I don't remember much before I was adopted by the Burkes, including my birth name, it got lost with the pile of broken memories that time and loss fractured

But I do remember bits and pieces of my birth mother, her smile, her singing, her cooking; everything was wonderful.

What pissed me off was our undeveloped knowledge of our heritage, we're Hispanic, my siblings and I, but the whole adoption made us be white-washed because as they said 'we could pull it off' like it was a good thing, like we'd be glad. It's annoying.

I made sure we learned our birth mother's first language and I wish we could've kept in contact with the family I was ripped away from.

But I have a new family now, I suppose. My parents are Grayson and Amelia Burke who are very rich and very beautiful, my sisters are Emily and Katerina and Charlie is my brother.

Other than that, Jordan's sorta my family, sure my parents would disapprove but what do they expect when they threw me away with all the other psychos, not that Jordan is crazy.

It's a sensitive subject, we don't really talk about it.

Pulling up to room 106, Cole curled up his fist and knocked thrice, awaiting for an answer.

Ah, the Faust brothers, now they have damage: trauma, danger, wit and skill all wrapped up in two very attractive packages.

I like them.

I think Kai, Brooke and Alec all have some complicated history , I don't really know which one of them I'd rather be.

I think I'm very obvious about whom I'm attracted towards, Jordan knew I was a raging bisexual even before I did.

Oh, and if you we're thinking they're was anything remotely romantic between the two of us, you clearly know nothing, it's preposterous! He's my best friend- no- my platonic soulmate.

Anyway when The door swung open, I expected my brother to be behind it but instead, a freckly girl popped her head out, a slight gasp escaped her mouth when she caught sight of all ten of us at her door, "oh damn. There's quite a lot of you"

"Who are you?" I asked, seriously who is she? Is Charlie having sex with her? Ew! My brother is a CHILD. This-THIS, is fucking unbelievable!

"No one important, don't mind her" Emily added, pushing the door open wider and entered without an invitation, "Charlie? Oh, Charlie? Where are you, you little shit?"

"I'm Cassie, Charlie's friend"

He came out the bathroom, his hair still damp from washing it~ he dropped the towel he was drying his hair with when he saw all of us

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." Was all he could say

Cassie answered, she was comfortably draped across the couch, now, with a cheap magazine in her hands "oh yeah, you're sister called, the bitchy-blonde one of you wanna get specific, I told her where we'd be"

"And you didn't think to tell me, Cas?"

"Was I supposed to?"

She said it so casually, I almost laughed. I liked her, she doesn't take anyone's shit, I'm glad my brother has someone like that in his life.

Charlie's eyes shifted to Cole's to Katerina's to Emily's before he said what he was thinking, "you had to bring mr perfect? Really?"

"I'm trying to help you here, what's your problem?" Baffled Cole and with good reason too, who hates Cole? He's Cole! It's like impossible to hate the guy.

My brothers gaze swerved

Charlie's brown eyes met my own "hello Octavia"

"Hey Charlie.. how you been?"

"If I'm being honest? Shit. Yeah, my life's a disaster, what's new?"

Our conversation was short but weird to say the least, we didn't really know what to say to each other because we didn't really have any kind of relationship and it hurts that we don't.

The whole room filled with an uncomfortable silence none of us could shake, presides Cassie, who was left unaffected

She looked up from her magazine, head turning from left to right, "well.. this got awkward"

Yeah.. pretty damn awkward.

I- I need a drink-


I know it's been a while but I've been going through some shit, don't worry, I'm not pressured to write or anything, I just enjoy it

I found it hard to come up with an idea of how they all reunite but i was hit with inspiration last minute

I've started writing the next chapter and trust me it's a drama-packed one so stay tuned

I also only just realised how much I love Cassie, you'll see much more chapters with her in in the near future!

I love and appreciate every single of of yous,

Charlotte x

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