Chapter thirty one- fine line between good and bad

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I sat in the cafeteria of the mental institution once more, munching away at my dry ass sandwich, I get that we're troubled youth but still, I could use a decent meal for once.

I left the the table and Octavia who looked up from her meal to raise an eyebrow at me, "where you going?"

"To get the good stuff" I grinned back, she rolled her eyes. By 'the good stuff' I mean booze. Strong, hard alcohol.

Hey, don't judge me, my life is hard.

So I did my thing, turning invisible doesn't hurt or anything, it just feels a little strange.. like you're being unplugged and all the electricity goes into the atmosphere, as you fade, the world becomes stronger.

I took the bottle, I know where they keep it. They probably wonder after a Tough day of work where all their booze goes.

Ha, I laugh just thinking about their little confused faces.

I walked into the games room, Octavia sat alone at our table playing connect four by her lonesome. I sat facing her, waving the bottle subtly in my hands

"Look what I haveeeeee" I sung

Octavia ignored me.. she ignored me..

People ignore me: the hospital staff, every girl I've ever liked and even my parents but Octavia doesn't- tavi.. she does not.

"Tav?" I was trying not to yell, however it was hard. The only person who sees me isn't seeing me, like I'm.. invisible..

I reached out for her hand but mine just went straight through it. I really was invisible and I have no idea how to not be.

CASSIE BLUE, 02:30am

I was caught off guard by a piece of cheese being flung into my face while I was trying to write my article.

"Charlie!" I scolded him, digging into a handful of grass and throwing it at him

He snatched my iPad from me and smiled, "put it down! I'm sure your article will be great, they always are but for now, try the apple pie I made"

I glanced down at the pie and then at Charlie before bursting out laughing, "Charlie, no offence but you can't cook"

"Okay, Try the pie that Brooke made"

I dug my fork into the sweet dessert and yeah that was a hella good pie, Brooke's diner experience really payed up.

The woods were surrounding the field we were sat on and I saw a flash of movement in the woods, giving me a frightful jump

"Charlie?" I muttered, he was in the woods but he was also beside me.

I got up and started to run, I ran so fast not caring if the wind gave me whiplash or if my legs would scratch against the bushes.

"Charlie!" I yelled picking up the pace

I guess with all that running, falling headfirst into a ditch wouldn't be too surprising and yet it was for me.

Twelve {zodiac story}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora