Chapter twenty two- the tale of two brothers

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Kai aka Aries

I'm going to tell you a story about a young woman of twenty seven. She was beautiful, strong and kind, she had a loving husband and a happy son. Her name was Nicole Faust- my mother.

She was a good hunter, great even and an even better human being however her life was tragically cut short. But you already knew that, didn't you? How else would I get my emotional baggage and whatnot?

When she died I was five, since then I was raised differently; all my youth stripped out of me in the name of my mother, my mothers name shouldn't be used in vain and especially not by my father

By the age of seven I learned how to use a rifle, at nine I mastered it, once twelve I could recite all my fathers journals and since then I only got better and better.

I was a weapon first and a child second.

it wasn't alway like that, though. Believe it or not I was a cheery little kid, with my dinosaur figures and my crust cut sandwiches.

When mum got pregnant again I was thrilled, as were my dad, Michael Faust showed much more emotion back then let me tell you, he thinks I've forgot. I haven't.

On the twenty first of December, 2004, my little brother was born and yet it still remains one of the happiest and saddest days of my life

Micheal had just got back in from slaughtering one or two lycanthropes when Nicole started, well.. having a baby .

She couldn't be moved to the hospital because it was to far, as was calling someone up. Too far. I was there.

I held her hand as she pushed and pushed, droplets of sweat collecting on her forehead and at the final push out he came.

My father held the baby close, walking across the room to grab a blanket for my new brother and while he did my mother told me something I'll never forget, and yet to understand

She pulled me close into her embrace, her hand at the back of my hair, she brought her lips to my ear and whispered in it, her breath stammering, her eyes on her baby "don't let him fall"

Recalling it still brings shivers down my spine, it torments me not knowing what she meant, it makes me feel like I'm failing her.

My dad turns round, blanketed baby in Hand, when a Cold, hard realisation hit and his face fell. I was tossed a peaceful little human while my father cried and clung to her lifeless body

I should of hated him. I should of hated my brother for killing my mother but I just couldn't, I loved him instantly.

He sucked on my small fingers as tears rolled down my cheeks, I mourned my mother while smiling at my brother. I had to.

Micheal set her down, he was still distraught but he was trying not to show it "I- uh- what's he called?" He asked, not bothering to turn around to face his sons

"Cole" I said, "after momma"

Cole Jonah Faust.

"Right" he muttered "uh.. get your things kaison, we have to- we need to leave here"

And we did.

My mother was buried the next day, under a little apple tree in a little forest she loved. The funeral was short and sweet with very few members attending

Other than myself, my father and Cole their was my uncle Jonah, dads younger brother by four years.

Preside my father, Uncle Jonah has been the only other authority figure in my life since my mother's demise.

This is how my life on the road began- the death of my mother. Sad, isn't it?

I know Cole blames himself, technically he did kill her we just don't know how, death by child birth is rare nowadays, especially when the woman is perfectly healthy.

The poor kid doesn't even celebrate his birthday, "it's her day" he says "not mine"

Dad isn't much help for it either, sometimes I get scared he'll resent Cole and he has slipped out a few nasty comments when he's drunk. He loves me and my brother but not as much as he should, not as much as we need.

I've been hit a few times in my life from him when he gets really drunk, he apologises in the morning but he still does it, I won't let him hit Cole. Never. I'll take the punches, I can handle that. As my father says 'you're tough Kai, don't let anyone break you'

He will not break me.

I never told Uncle Jonah about the abuse but at the back of my mind I think he knows something is going on, unfortunately he has no power over his older brother but He did give me a word~ goose.

If I so much as utter the word he said he'll be here, for me, for Cole... I still haven't used it but it brought me peace when I was younger, still does in a way

I'm an adult now, I make my own decisions, I don't have be glued to my father making our relationship work better.

He didn't break me but I'm scared he'll break Cole, and I'll be damned if he does that.

So I did the only thing I could conjure up, I took Cole and I ran away. Micheal's probably looking for us now so I'll keep running, I'll run till it kills me.


Its not as long as the previous chapter but meh

I enjoyed writing it

Hope you liked

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I love you all

Charlotte x

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