Chapter seventeen- you left me

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Denver, Colorado

They sat in the car, Eyes fixated on the abandoned warehouse that the vampires call home. Kai had only fought vampires once or twice, and even then his dad did most the work.

But now he had Brooke as his partner and she'd be all the backup he would need. Truth is, he found the nest weeks ago, however If he had said something about it, the faster he'd be picked up for the life on the road again.

He knew he'd have to go back eventually but his life with Brooke was perfect and everybody knew and cared about him so how do you give that up? And for what? A neglected childhood?

But then there was Cole. He couldn't leave Cole... could he? How do you choose between the people you love the most?

And Yes, he admitted it, he did love Brooke.

"You ready?" He asked, eyebrow arched and she nodded, their faces becoming closer as they leaned in, their lips almost touching... Until a head poked through the middle of the car front seats.

"Alrighty then, That's enough of that, let's discuss strategy" it was Alec. what? Did you really think he'd let Brooke and Kai do this without him?

Kai sucked his lips into a tight, sarcastic smile before pushing Alec's head back into the backseats as Brooke laughed

"Alec, I forgot you were there" Kai said, his voice dripping of sarcasm "so glad you joined us. Woo. Yay."

"Don't sound so surprised, You'd die out there without me" claimed Alec

Kai scoffed at him, then climbed out of the car to stand straight in front of the nest with Brooke and Alec following.

The closer they got, the worse the smell; a number of dead and rotting bodies littered the ground, hiding in plain sight that only an expert could uncover and the intoxicating sent of coppery blood burned straight through their nose trills.

They crept inside ever so carefully so the vampires would barely even notice them~
It was impossible to be silent but this way they could pass as a mouse or a rat.

Brooke grasped at Kai's hand, entwining her fingers with his, giving him a slight, reassuring squeeze

The vampires were having a great time, drinking and partying and laughing and drinking and dancing and drinking.

Only one girl was left alive: Aubrey Clarkson, Kai'd seen her in the newspaper under MISSING PERSON. She was a bright girl of fifteen, blonde, newly divorced parents so home life had been rough on her hence the reason she ended up her in the first place.

The group's dominant male strutted towards her, then yanking her by the arm for her to stand up. They would have to act now if they wanted to save her.

Kai jumped out and shot at least five of them with vervain coated bullets, vervain was this herb that paralysed vamps but only decapitation would finish them off.

As the rest focused on him and now Brooke, who had shot two more, Alec was
Left to chop the weak ones heads clean off

"NO!" Screamed the alpha as Alec swung his axe over his mates head and in return, Alec was thrown across the room and sent unconscious. There was only three blood suckers left now and Kai had both his guns directed the other two.

The alpha reached out and snatched Brooke, his long, boney fingers wrapped around her throat ready to snuff the life out of her

"Let her go" kai demanded, trying his very best to stop his voice from shaking

The alpha grinned a sickening grin, his blood stained teeth bared "I will, IF you let me, my vampire friends and that snack go"

He took a quick glance at Aubrey, she quivered in pure fear, pulling drastically and the chains that bound her but still not daring to speak

He knew what his father would have said, 'whats one life over one thousand ?' But this was Brooke and he couldn't... could he?

Impulsively, He ripped Aubrey off the pole she was clinging to and threw her to the vamps. even when she ran straight back to him, Kai pushed her back, refusing to look her in the eye, refusing to acknowledge her humanity.

Then the worst possible think happened: he heard a devastating crack causing his stomach to drop and then churn.

Brooke plummeted to the floor. Her neck had been broken.

Kai was so caught up in the horrific sight he didn't even notice the vampires snatch Aubrey and flee from the scene.

The words of his father ran through his head and rung in his ears 'emotions are for the weak, never show yours' so that's what he tried to do but it was hard. So hard. Because the love of his life had just been killed in cold blood right in front of him.

His heart had been beaten, Broken, Then flung across the wall only to be stamped on but he would not cry, tears pooled in his eyes however he choked them back and scooped Brooke's lifeless body into his arm.

As he clung to her, a slight movement became of her fingers, a twitch, until she shot up, panting frantically, gasping for air.

Kai's watery eyes widened as Brooke carefully touched her own throat, her mouth agape "h-how.." he croaked in astonishment, pulling her closer and hugging her harder

"I have no idea..." she replied

Her neck has completely healed in a matter of minutes and there was no sign she was ever hurt in the first place.

Brooke's face contorted "Aubrey... could you?" She pulled away mortified, how could he just throw her away like a lamb to the slaughter

"How could I? Brooke, I did it for you, because I love you" he said it. He said it and he meant it with every fibre of his being but it wouldn't matter because with the way she was looking at him now, they could never be the same and so he left.

He left and he never returned.


Damn it's been a while and I apologise for that but I've not been motivated to write this chapter, I guess but now updates will be quicker.

Yeah my writing is pretty shit this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed nevertheless

Charlotte x

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