Chapter twenty- the mission is vital

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Outside the veil, heaven

Ophiuchus was always a loyal follower. She wasn't ranked high, she wasn't ranked low. She was perfect.

She stood before the gate, a dozen low-classed angel's huddled round her, gushing and filling her with flattery. A strange sense of pride overcame her, this mission, her mission, was vital.

All seven members of the high angel council glided towards her making her feel smaller in front of the significantly stronger and taller group of angels

The head of the court wafted her hand around, signalling for the cherubs to leave and they did, allowing him to have a moment alone with the chosen angel

"Now Ophiuchus,  you know what you must do" the leader asked, placing a hand on the shorter angel's shoulder

She nodded "I do, your honour" and she did; Find the Burke girl, guide her, stay clear from her corrupted twin. Simple.

She clutched hard to the pouch attached to her belt, full of all kinds of trinkets and assured herself that she got this, humans may be complexing to her but she was sure she could fit in with them. Somehow.

She crept closer to the veil and took a deep breath, as she was about to leave, the head of her council spoke up "and remember, Ophiuchus, Cole Faust must not reach the dark"

"I got this, your honour, I won't let you down" she promised, jumping through the gate, straight down to Earth.

Outside The gate, hell

Orion was never loyal nor did he care but he did have a strong opinion and he did fear the high demon council which is why he agreed to this little randevu. He was manipulative yet smart and he'd do anything for something he wanted. He was perfect.

He slouched against the gate and yawned in pure boredom all alone, awaiting his mission, the mission was vital.

The seven strutted towards the less powerful demon, he felt intimidated, though he'd never show it. Never.

"Orion, you're early. How uncharacteristic" the head of the council claimed, grinning ear to ear

Orion sucked in a breath and answered through gritted teeth "yeah, well, you know me, always with the unpredictable"

"You're aware with the mission, yes?" She asked, getting a nod from him as a response. He did; find the Burke boy, guide him, stay clear from his corrupted twin. Easy.

He straightened his jacket, and blew the jet black strands of hair away from his face, he thought humans were pathetic and that he'll struggle to reduce his standards to their level but he'd try to fit in. Somehow.

"Orion, you must promise me this, Cole Faust must not reach the light" she warned him

He pulled his lips into a tight smile "yeah, yeah, no need to worry, I'm on it" and then he jumped through the veil, landing on Earth.

The middle of nowhere, Earth

The sun was shining, it was a beautiful day. The grass was a luscious green, the sky was a crystal blue and the air had a calming breeze.

They landed on the field, hundreds of thousands of bright yellow buttercups scattered at their feet

She saw him. He saw her. Her blue eyes rolled. His pink lips groaned.

"Ophiuchus" he greeted, his arms behind his back "of course they sent you, you're such a loyal little pet"

She dusted of the grass from her skirt before glaring back at him "Orion the arrogant swine, I honestly have no clue why they sent you"

"You should loosen that ponytail of yours, I think it's cutting of your circulation, you know, not enough blood getting to that uptight head" he grinned, reaching out and pulling the pins that kept her hair together, allowing her blonde curls the cascade down her back.

"Enough with all the pleasantries, Orion, we all know heaven's got the upper hand " she beamed in confidence

The demon scoffed "Charlie could kick Katerina's entitled ass and Cole..."

The angel cut him off "is good, that boy doesn't have an evil bone in his body and don't underestimate Katerina, no good will come of it"

"And the zodiacs?"

"What about them? They're a bunch of dysfunctional misfits full of angst and rage, as long as the celestial court doesn't interfere, which they won't, we are all good, the war of heaven and hell will go down"

Ophiuchus extended her hand for Orion which he graciously took "may the best side win"

He let out a malicious laugh "oh we will, and Cole Faust will be joining"

She span around flicking her hair, almost taking him out as she did "we'll see about that"


Told you guys I'd update quick and this chapter dumped a truck load of information.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the new characters

Charlotte x

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