Chapter nineteen- broken

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Cassie aka Virgo

"Charlie?" I knocked on the bathroom door twice hoping for a reply but got no answer, for some reason I felt like I was reliving a deja vu.

How did I get myself into this situation? I fell prey to the desire of succeeding in my passion of journalism but I think it's gone to far.

However, I do generally care for Charlie and dare I say, he's become one of my closest friends, I don't know, I don't think I could bring myself to reveal anything that'll hurt him.

Maybe I've gone soft. And for a boy no less!

My train of thought came to an abrupt halt by Charlie stepping towards me, blank expression plastered on his Face. I looked down at his curled fist, dripping with blood

"What the fuck have you done?" I asked baffled, somethings wrong here

He looked down at his grazed knuckles, smearing the blood off them before meeting my gaze "it's nothing"

"Charlie, ever since you woke up you've been acting strange" I said "are you ok?"

"Yeah. Fine" he claimed "can we just get out of here? I'm getting awful 'motel hell' vibes"

I nodded and motioned my head for him to get in the car, he obliged and grabbed his stuff, leaving me alone in the room.

With a swift motion, I headed to the bathroom. I'm not stupid, I know when I'm being lied to and Charlie Burke is the worst liar I've ever met! Can't really blame him though, his social skills are little to none.

As I stepped in, I was hit with a wave of regret, regret for stepping in that damn room, regret for ever giving a shit about him in the first place.

The air reeked of fear, a mixture of both mine and his, when I saw what all the panic was about, I nearly pissed myself. The mirror was shattered. Broken. And in the centre, thick, black blood. Toxic, metallic blood. Something was very wrong with that boy indeed.

Instinctively, I reached out and coated my two fingers with the the crimson stuff and wondered what made calm Charlie so aggressive and worried.

The car ride was a silent one, in all matter of forms he was exhausted, his face yet again showed no sense of emotion.

"You should really sleep" I told him, pushing away the hair from his eyes, he turned away from me and pressed his cheek against the window

"Can't" he answered "my minds a dark place"


This is so god damn short but oh well

Chapter twenty either out tomorrow or Wednesday, that's why there isn't a lot and this is more a filler chapter, really

As you know I've been a little focused on my applyfic but I promise this book is my top priority!

Charlotte x

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