C h r i s t m a s S p e c i a l Pt1

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Just like to note that this special is not part of the plot and is just for fun.

I also want to let you know I've broken it up into two parts because it's far to long and I just want to get it out



Hello dear readers, my name is Ze great Orion but you already knew that because I'm the best character in the book you are currently reading-

No you're not. Everyone hates you.

Anyway as I was saying: I'm Orion, she's the very rude Ophunichus-

I go by Ophelia These days actually

No one asked.

And You're here to read a heartwarming Christmas tale that we shall provide you with.

Yes! About all the characters you know and love.. or at least moderately tolerate so without further ado, here it is:

Inside a snowflake like the one on your sleeve, there happened a story you must see to believe

Way up in the mountains, in the high range of Cemiacs, was the small town of Zodia- home of the zodiacs. Ask any zodiac and they'll say; there's no place like Zodia on Christmas Day.

Yes every Zodiac liked Christmas a lot but Alec who lived north of Zodia did not

Wait- wait- wait- that's the wrong story, you moron! We're telling the Zodiac Christmas carol! Not the grinch!

I mean.. technically it's 'the Alec'

Same difference! I'll start the story: 'the hales were dead to begin with'

Woah, hold on, that's the beginning?

That's how the story starts, Orion, the hales we're dead to begin with

Oh. How morbid.

Yep, as dead as the readers social life

Good start, good start, I'm totally hooked. It's creepy but in a fun way, all spooky and that

Why thank you

No problem babes

See, now you ruined it, we were having a moment of mutual respect but you had to go and fuck it up.

You know you love it

No. Just no.

As I was saying, the hales only had one child and his name was Alec. Alec like the cold. He was as hard and as sharp as flint, secret, self-contained, solitary as an oyster

He scowled upon seeing the Merry Jordan and Octavia, piping thick red icing onto their festive Christmas cookies.

The room was warm and festive with tinsel and coloured lights encasing the room from top to bottom. In the corner stood a proud Christmas tree that had been decorated beautifully.

However, in the small corner of the room that Alec sat, it grew colder and darker the longer Alec stayed. On his lap was a book and His fingers went numb with every turn of a page.

Liam came in, wobbling a massive stack of presents he had piled up in his arms "I have presents for everyone!" Beamed Liam in his blue, reindeer Christmas jumper, "even you Alec"

"You can take it back" he replied bluntly, continuing to read from his book

Liam's face fell, "take it back? Surely you don't mean that Alec, it's Christmas!"

Twelve {zodiac story}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang