Chapter twenty five- forgiveness

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Brooke aka Aquarius

So I am drunk. No-no- scratch that, I'm a little tipsy, I'm still aware and I still have the willpower to not do anything drastic.

If I'm being honest, I'm kinda bored. Parties, clubbing, it's never really been my scene, I'd much rather do a more quiet and less social activity.

Before I left I finished my drink and scooped my phone and lip balm back into my bag, I then wriggled off my seat and squeezed pass the other dancing people around me.

Jordan and Octavia were wasted, and I mean dancing till you puke on each other drunk but it was clear that they weren't gonna leave anytime soon which if fair, their whole world has been turned upside down

I looked over at Alec, he can chaperone them~

After taking my last glance at the room, I pushed the door open and inhaled the fresh air, enjoying the midnight breeze on my face.

I started walking away from the club, not acknowledging the sound of the door being pushed open again until he called out my name

"Brooke! Wait!" He called out, I stopped and spun around to face him

I answered, "can I help you, Kai?"

"I just wanted to come with.. you're going back to the motel, right?"

Well I was going too, now I'm not sure.

He jogged up towards me so I started walking again, this time with him beside me, "I thought you and Emily were having a good time in there"

"Emily? I mean sure, but I wanted to see you, we haven't really had a chance to chat know, just the two of us" I felt his gaze on me, his big blue eyes had something in them that Kai rarely shows: his vulnerability.

"What's there to say? You left me"

He scoffed tiredly, "I didn't leave you, you wouldn't see me the same way after what happened, I-I didn't want to relive that moment every time I looked into your eyes"

"I don't blame you anymore, what happened to Aubrey, I mean. We were young. We were stupid. We were.. in love~"

He looked at me again but with more surprise this time, it was the first time I'd actually said it to him, I did love him, and being with him now makes me remember how much but him leaving broke my heart and I've never been the same.

"And now I know that you didn't just leave because what happened that day but because of your brother, I know you weren't being selfish" I continued

With that sentence it was over, my grudge against Kai Faust. I forgive him.

"So.. can you still resurrect?"

I choked out a laugh. "Yes. I got my insides clawed out by a Wendigo and My body stitched itself up without even a scratch left in an hour, My body heals with every injury, I never get sick and poison won't work on me"

"So you're a part of the freak squad?"

"Yeah, I'm one massive freak"

"It's cool, kinda hot, actually"

I rolled my eyes and when they returned to their natural position I was shocked to realise That we were in front of room 106.

Something was wrong, the small window had shattered, with a thousand tiny pieces of glass scattered on the ground and the door was blown from its hinges.

I lightly pressed myself against the door to get it to open fully, in case it would fall over and hit someone on the other side

Once we had full access to the room, I saw them immediately. They were all unconscious on the floor, all covered in glass and dust.

I noticed Kai walk passed them all into the bathroom, he was looking for something, actually, he was looking for someone.

"Where's Cole?" He said when he came back out, his head still turning all over the place

I slumped to the floor beside Liam and placed my hand to his forehead, carefully brushing aside the window pieces from his face when I replied with, "what?"

"Cole is gone" his voice developing more concern with every word "where is he?!?!"

Ayanna awoke first, she was cleaner than the rest of them, she held her arm out tiredly as though she was reaching for something and when her arm fell her eyes suddenly became ten times more aware

"Where's Cole?" She coughed, we'd like to know too, it's the question of the hour

"We could ask you the same fucking question"

With all this fuss over Kai's brother we didn't really pay much attention to the others waking up: Liam, Cassie, Katerina- was there supposed to be another one?

"Charlie has gone too" Katerina added frantically

I swear I saw Kai's eye twitch, he grabbed his jacket and his keys in a rush, practically running out the room

"Where you going?"

"To find my brother"

I exchanged expressions with the others until I knew what to do next.. we all followed Kai out of the door.


So sorry it's been so long but here it is and I actually rather like it, I hope you do too

I'm doing Cole's POV next if you were wondering

Quick announcement: if you're interested in joining my zodiac applyfic, 'mad hatter' then you better do it soon because it closes on the 30th of September.

That's all,

Charlotte x

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