Chapter thirty two- the night hag

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With the slam shut of my locker, a swarm of people crowed me; I received pats on the back, cheers and a handful of compliments by my fellow students.

A younger boy meekly picked up the nerve to speak to me, "I just wanna say how cool you are, that winning shot at last night's game was truly terrific! You're my idol"

I smiled at the boy and shook his hair, he scampered off over to his group of friends who were in awe.

I removed myself from the crowd and wandered the halls until I reached the school exit where Cassie was waiting for me.

"I thought you weren't coming, you know, with you being Mr popular" she said playfully, "you probably don't have time to be hanging out with the lowlifes of me"

"I always have time for you Cas" I reassured her before checking my watch, "but just not right now, I gotta be home"

I slung my bag over my shoulder and disappeared into the car that was waiting for me. My twin sister was already there, scrolling through her phone in pure boredom.

She looked up from her phone to give me a small smile then continued to stare at it as we drove off home.

I was pleased to see an extravagant meal placed at the dining table but even more so when I saw my entire family sat down around it.

I took my seat at the end ( I have to sit there because I'm the youngest) beside Katerina.

"Octavia and her silly, little blond friend came by my shoot today for her photography course after I specifically told her to go somewhere else" Emily told the table, "it was totally embarrassing having my little sister at work! She constantly mocked me"

Octavia shrugged, "I rather enjoyed myself"

"That's nice, dear" my mother replied, she was trying to avoid another Emily V Octavia epic showdown, "how was school, Katerina?"

Okay, ouch. I'm here as well.

"Oh you know, the usual" Kat answered "I have, however, been made head of the prom committee for this year"

"I'm glad to hear it, dear, how's Cole?" Father asked, looking up from whatever work he was jotting down


Ugh. Cole.

Cole is my sister's boyfriend, I LOATHE the guy to pieces which couldn't said by my father who is his biggest fan.

My father and twin sister continued to talk about their favourite subject: Cole Faust. It made my blood boil how dad constantly reminded me of how Cole is the son he's always wanted by taking him places and buying him things that he should be doing for me.

I'm his son and he is constantly dismissing me as though I was nothing!

God, I'm so stupid! I have good grades, I joined the stupid football team and became popular all to appease him, I do everything to appease him, and he still doesn't see me!

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