Chapter thirty- good dreams and worst nightmares...

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Richmond, Virginia

He groaned out loud, slamming the book in front of him shut before throwing it off the small bed completely, followed by his head dropping onto the pillow, each action both making a dense thud.

Cole didn't receive the message about his heritage to well...

"Okay, this is pathetic" sighed kai, glaring at his brother who had shrivelled up in defeat, "do you see yourself right now?"

Cole rolled his eyes, sinking further into the bed, "that would be impossible so no"

"Enough with the sarcasm" He picked up the book Cole had thrown to the floor, "what even is this?" He scanned the title, it read: ANGELS AND DEMONS: a history.

"you know what you need?"

"A bullet to the head?"

"What? No! Of course not!"

"You're right, that's probably impossible, I bet I'm some freak immortal creature... no offence, Brooke"

Brooke raised her beer bottle, "none taken, baby Faust"

"Sleep, Cole, you just need to rest" explained Kai, "when was the last time you had a full nights worth? Sleep on it"

"Are you shitting me? Sleep isn't going to fix  me" Cole claimed

Despite what he said, Cole did fall asleep, along with every other person in the hotel.

KAI FAUST, 01:15am

I crept down the cream-carpet stairs, the aroma of roast chicken filling the air. I followed the smell into the dining room of my childhood home

In the kitchen was the back of a woman, her chestnut hair tied in a perfectly perfect ponytail, she wore the loveliest of red dresses and once she turned around, she smiled at me.

"Mom?" I croaked in disbelief

She smiled again, then bent down the grab the chicken from the oven, "yes dear?"

"What- uh" I fumbled with my words, not really knowing what to say next

"Would you go fetch your father?" She asked politely, "He's in the garden with your brother, fetch him too"

"Dad? Dad's here? Cole's alone with dad.."I followed my mother's gaze to the back door so I opened it.

Dad was there, Cole was too, however, instead of teaching him how to use a grenade, he was playing basketball with him.

"Hey Kai!" Cole exclaimed, "come to see me kick dad's ass?"

"Language" my father warned, dad was always swearing around us, it never really bothered him before

Cole rolled his eyes, "yeah, sorry"

"Mom said dinners ready?" I sort of blurted, I don't really know what I'm doing right now, the whole 'one big happy family' thing isn't something I've experienced

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