Chapter fourteen- you have friends?

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Liam aka cancer

Despite the whole 'my little brother is in a magical coma' doesn't really seem to concern Kai at this moment of time, instead, he was sharping his knife, laid back on his bed.

Ayanna on the other hand seemed pretty.. jittery... as in hopes to distract her from her thoughts, she was reading from a handwritten journal in a brown leather hardback however I assumed that none of what she's reading truly sank in.

Mr grumpy pants also known as Alec was, as per usual, sulking in the corner, He was leaning against the wall while scowling at Kai. Shocker. Why can't they just get over it?

Brooke was beside Alec but she was on the floor instead, yeah, I think she's still pretty baffled that Kai has a heart.

The blond nut job and the brunette nut job aka Jordan and Octavia were playing cards with me and miraculously Octavia was winning

"Jordie gimmie your 5 of hearts" she asked, her hand flat for him to place is on, the card was smacked onto her hand by an annoyed Jordan.. how does Octavia..

Jordan threw his cards into the middle of the deck before getting up "I ain't playing if you're gonna cheat, tav"

Octavia merely laughed then she, too, were up "aw are you a sore loser, Jordie?" She said ruffling his hair and he stormed off and sat opposite of Ayanna on the small table.

I turned my body so I was facing Kai before asking "you seem rather chill. shouldn't you be worried about Cole?"

"He's in a Chambre de Chasse, coley will pull through and well, if not, I guess we'll have ourselves a witchy bloodbath, now won't we?" Kai explained graphically with a smile

I just nodded as though I knew what that was because quite frankly I don't really think I wanna know.

"OI, you" Brooke pointed at Kai "stop scaring the poor kid" she sat beside him and took out a small flask of whiskey, drank some, then passed it to Kai who took a gracious gulp "so how's life?"

I didn't mean to eavesdrop put here we are..

"Oh y'know, killing monsters by day, getting wasted by night, dads still distant but I got my brother" he sighed "I almost ran over Ayanna who somehow latched onto us like a blood-sucking leech, then we met crazy and crazier and you know the rest"

"The usual then" she laughed, he nodded and joined in with her laughter

"20 bucks they'll end up sleeping together by the end of the week" I heard Jordan whisper into Octavia's ear, eyes still on Kai and Brooke.

She shook his hand "you're on"

I realised that Alec, like me, was eavesdropping on pretty much everyone and I swear I saw his eye twitch...

Suddenly, Cole awoke with a huge gasp, he looked around confusedly at the seven pairs of eyes all staring at him.

Kai jumped from his own bed to Cole's and placed his hand on his head while bombarding him with questions "you alright? How you feeling?"

"Get off, I'm fine" Cole claimed swatting his brothers hand away from his head

Kai raised his hands in the air "hey, just making sure you don't die or else dad will take my car away, won't he, if anything happened to you"

"Gee thanks to know your car is your top priority" Cole rolled his eyes and got up from the bed with a struggle "why are all these people here? Oh God.. you weren't planning an orgy, were you?"

My nose scrunched up in disgust, I looked at Ayanna who shared my look

"We're old friends of kai's" answered Brooke

Cole looked her up and down then replied "I bet you were very close" damn. witty. he threw on his jacket then swung his rucksack over his back after gathering up all his belongings.

"Where'd you think you're going?" Kai folded his arms in a parental manner that I never would of thought he had

"I gotta find Katerina"

"Who's Katerina?"

"A friend"

"Since when did you have friends?"

Cole scowled at his brother before walking straight out the door and Kai called after him "OI! Come back here you ungrateful shit~"

The Faust brothers were out the door and I assume that's were we follow; Brooke, Alec, Jordan and Octavia all left leaving me and Ayanna alone in the now empty room.

"I'm really glad I found you, I've already lost my parents, I couldn't bare to lose you too" I confessed and she smiled weakly before frowning

"Listen about that~" she began but I cut her off because I already knew what she was gonna say

"It's fine, I barely even remember what we were fighting about when we got on that plane, it's cool" I reassured her

Poor thing, she was probably half scared to death being out there all alone thinking that I hated her! Ayanna nodded unsurely as we walked out the motel together arm in arm.


Hehehehe I have a really exciting chapter coming soon that I can't wait to publish

I'm ill so I don't know how crap this will be so sorry if it is but I'm like always sick which I'm sure I've mentioned before lol

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed,

Charlotte x

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