Chapter twenty one- the chaos of roadtrips..

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Somewhere in Indiana
Thursday, 2:48pm

The car whizzed past the open land of countryside, grassy hills blending into the dusty roads of the highway.

Kai's hands had a steady grip of the wheel, they'd lost the other two cars a few miles back, all heading to the same destination: Virginia.

With his cheek pressed against the warm glass, Cole watched as the lambs leaped over one another, eventually to topple down into their mothers. They had been on the road a little over an hour now and the empty silence had not gone unnoticed.

Octavia had started to slump in her seat, she would do anything to occupy herself wether it'd be counting her own fingers or scribbling hearts on the cuffs of her jeans with a thick purple marker she found rolling at her feet.

Jordan let out a loud sigh, looking around to see if anyone stared back at him and when they had not he sighed again, this time shifting in his seat. Ignored. He sighed even louder, shifting his position even more.

Clenching his jaw, Kai sucked in a breathe of pure exhaustion "something you wanted to say, JJ?" He asked the blond boy with zero to none interest

A wave of satisfaction ran across Jordan's face before he answered "yes, Actually, there is. I was wondering if we could stop for some food, I'm famished"

"Well, we're passing through a town in the next forty minutes" explained Kai "we can stop for food and the bathroom then"

Cole rotated his head so he could exchange an annoyed expression with Octavia but that was all, however, Jordan had a look to kill.

"Forty minutes? Are you kidding? I'm practically starving to death back here" Jordan complained and flopped back into his seat

Kai merely rolled his eyes "well what do you want me to do about it? Make a gas station appear out of thin air? I'm not a fucking wizard"

"Huh, really? Then how come you dress like one?" Jordan shot back at him wittily

Cole chocked back a laugh and For a solid fifteen seconds the car was in pure silence allowing rage and anger to fester up inside of Kai.

"You little- piece- of shit-  .." kai breathed out, his arm outstretched to the back of the car where Jordan was

Kai's eyes flickered between the road and his hand that was now hitting Jordan who, try as he might, did his best to avoid the punches. The car swirled around from the drivers lack of focus and Octavia let out a shriek

Cole darted back up to shout at his older brother "Kai! The road! Goddammit!"


"Yes, can I have the chicken wrap meal but without the Mayo because I'll know if you put the shit on.. oh! And with my Diet Coke, make sure you put the actual drink in first, to the brim. Then you can put the ice. I ain't falling for your scam... that'll be all, thank you" Jordan detailed into the speaker of the drive through

They got their respective meals and went to the bathroom and just before settling off, Kai asked very seriously "are you sure you don't need to make one last stop at the bathroom, because we won't hit another place to stop in another two hours"

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