Meeting Natasha

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"Stay away from my daughter!" My mother screamed. I cowered behind her as she tried to protect me.

"Daddy!" I cry out, he's laying on the floor, not breathing. I past the monster facing in front of my mother and I and run to my fathers side. "No! Daddy, daddy please wake up!"

I start to tense up and scream, not in sorrow, in anger. My mother looks at me in fear.

"Abby......" I look down at my small hands, they're surrounded in this purple flame like aura. "Your eyes....." I look at the shattered mirror on the floor and my eyes are flaming new color as well. She gently walks up to me and before she's in my reach she's impaled with a long sword through her chest.

"NO!" I'm furious. My family is gone I'm all alone, I feel like breaking down and crying my eyes out but I can't I must avenge them. I start saying these, these. Random words I never though existed and the monster who killed my mother, and father, is taken back. "Etativel mih!" The figure is now levitating in the air my fists are clenching tighter each minute until I feel the blood trickle down my knuckles. "Taeh sih romra!" The metal on his armor starts to burn him to a crisp and he falls to the floor "Etacoffus, ekohc!"He starts to suffocate and choke, desperately trying to gasp for air.

"You did this," I start out softly and I get louder and louder. "You killed them! YOU TOOK AWAY MY FAMILY!" I let a single tear roll down my cheek. Suddenly I feel a stinging sensation in my arm and start to get dizzy. Before I know it I pass out everything goes black.

(Five years later)

"Abigail!" The mistress screams. I've been in this wretched orphanage for five years, since my parents death. I miss them so much, I wish I could just tell them how much I love them. One more time. I think about them everyday, every night. There's not one thing that doesn't remind me of them. I shake the thoughts out of my head. This is it I'm finally getting adopted I grab my bag and run down the stairs.

"Hello," a woman with straight red hair is standing next to the mistress at the front door. She looks like she's in her late twenties.

"H-hi," I gave her a small wave.

"Are you ready to go?" I nodded my head. I was dreading to get out of this hell house for years. As soon as the door closes she spoke on her ear piece.
"I've got the girl." I looked at her when my eyes began to water. She looked at me and she started to soften. "I'm so sorry Abby but, I wasn't really here to adopt you,"

"Why?" My voice cracked.

"You'll see but, Abby I want you to know I would happily be your mother figure." I nodded and broke down. I knew it was to good to be true, I wasn't beating adopted. Where was she taking me? "If you want we can stop for ice cream?"

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"No problem." We stopped at a nearby parlor and ordered. We took our seats at a small booth. "So, I'm Natasha," she held out her hand. "Natasha Romanoff," I shook her hand.

"Well you know who I am- wait, are you the Natasha Romanoff?" I can't believe it.

"That I am," she grinned. Wow I have the one and only Black Widow sitting in front of me.

"Does my destination have anything to do with your work?" She nodded. I stared to get so excited, I don't know why but still.

"Yes, lets get going." soon we arrived at this big building with S.H.E.I.L.D. plastered on it. We parked and exited the car.

"Wait, what should I do with my bag?" she turned around and looked at me.

"Just take it with you," I nodded and began to follow her inside.

"Wow," I started to turn on my heel taking in the scenery of the inside of the building. The place was huge I think I might get lost.

"You like what you see?" she asked.

"Very," we walked into an elevator and headed to one of the top floors. The walls of the elevator were mad of glass so, outside was visible. I looked out, we were so high up. The view was amazing.

"We're here," at a desk was standing a black man (not being raciest) in all black and an eyepatch.

"Hello, I'm Director Fury. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D"


Note: this book takes place right after the whole battle at NYC fiasco.

Hi everyone! How do you like the story so far? I'm sorry if this chapter was short for you and a little boring, the upcoming ones will probably get even longer and better! This one was basically just describing to you how Abigail starts out. Hope you decide to read on. Comment! Vote!


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