Robin vs Wally

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  • Dedicated to my dad Kristopher Lee

I sat in between Kid and Robin the whole way there to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. Steve and Natasha were talking about taking the ice villains to Bell Rev.

"So what's your real name." Robin asked, him and Kid had already changed out of their suits I didn't, not yet.

"Abigail but you can call me Abby, and hold on a sec. Egnahc otni raluger sehtolc!" They watched me in awe as my clothes changed into what I was wearing before. "What's yours?" I asked the both of them. Robin didn't answer.

"Batman's forbidden Boy Wonder over here from telling anyone his secret I.d. I'm Wally West." I nodded and turned to look at Robin.

"That explains the shades." I pointed to his glasses, he smirked.

"So, how old are you Abby," Robin asked.

"Just turned fifteen, you." Wally started laughing.

"Robin just turned fourteen, but me I'm fifteen too" I looked back at robin.

"Hey?" He looked at me "Age is just a number, doesn't mean I won't treat you like a little kid." he nodded.

(Robin's P.O.V)

Abby was so sweet I'm starting to like her, a lot. I know she couldn't like me back, but that won't stop me from trying.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

The rest of the ride back was pretty quiet and a little awkward. I showed the guys around and took them to the trainingnroom.

"So, I'll go first. But I'm gonna need a sparing partner," with the moves Natasha taught me this should be a no biggie. Obviously the both raised their hands. "Hmm, Wally."

"You should know I trained with one of the best,"

"Please, my trainer's an assassin." I started with a round off, I smirked.

"Pretty lady's got some moves," punch, dodge, back handspring.

"Hope your ready to get beat by a girl Wally,"

"Who says I will?" I finished him with a side sweep and he landed right on his back.

"I did," Robin was chuckling in the back. "I dunno why your laughing it's your turn Robin,"

"Crap," I looked at Wally.

"You ok there West?" He looked at Robin.

"I dunno what happened," he said. It wasn't really a question but Robin answerednjust to tease Wally.

"You hit on here and got served," he said walking up to me, I got in position.

"Ya ready?" I smirked.

"You know it," he replied. I ended up beating him and Wally like twenty more times. When Natasha walked in, I took a swig from my water bottle.

"I brought ice packs!" I giggled as she handed them to the guys.

"You knew we'd get creamed huh?" Wally asked Natasha.

"Duh, I taught her well." We all laughed.

"Ow!" Robin and Wally said in unison. "It hurts to laugh,"

"Ok, ok you sissies. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah!" we walked into the screening room to find Tony and Thor watching something.

"Alright, you've had your TV time now give me mine,"

"Fine," Tony turned it off "Do you mind if we stay and watch too?" I nodded.

"If your into horror?" I said devilishly.

"I'm out," Tony went to stand up and walk out but Thor grabbed his arm.

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