Bifrost Battle pt.3

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Still, no one noticed the danger before us. Then about a hundred more frost giants flooded in including about ten of the bigger ones (pic on the side). But the thing that shocked me the most was the people they teamed up with. The Chitauri. There were more chitauri soldiers than I could count, flying and grounded ones. "NO." everyone looked to me. "No, it's not over." I pointed to the disaster above the Empire state building. Everyone was furious. "Natasha, how did you close the portal the last time?" I kept my head down.

"It was opened by the Teseract, so I used Loki's scepter." She said.

"Yes but this is different, the Bifrost has been opened, they did not enter through the Teseract's portal. It is still on Asguard." I nodded slightly.

"Stark, do we know how many are here?" my dad asked.

"More than we can handle." Tony replied.

"We have to try." I said. I felt a cold sharp pain in my chest, it was funny. I've never felt something like this before, it was powerful, and with power comes hostility. This feeling, pure hatred. Who was doing this? Why? My questions were answered. I heard a sinister laugh. Rising on top of a mountain of rubble and ice were Icicle Junior, Captain cold, Mr. Freeze, Killer Frost, Icicle Senior, and leading them was Laufey, the king of the Frost Giants.

"Petty humans. You will fall at my feet and obey me. I will rule this tiny planet. Behold, my son. Come forth, Killer Blizzard." they created a pathway for someone to walk through. I couldn't believe my eyes. I gasped and covered my mouth. My dad came up from behind and wrapped his arms around me as I cried silently in his shoulder.

"No, no no no no no. It's not fair it's not fair." I cried. "WHY HIM WHY NOT ME!" Aaron stood tall on the hill. His blue eyes were now lifeless as he looked down upon us, his brown hair now white, and his hands were most frightening. They were large shards of ice for fingers hanging down from his use to be fragile hands.

"Who are they father?" father? FATHER? He's not his father.

"They my son, are the enemy." Laufey said.

"What should I do?" Aaron asked.

"Execute them." I quickly released from my father but he turned me back around.

"Dad what are you doing?" i tried to make him let go but he was too strong.

"There's something you need to know." I stared at him dumbfounded. "Aaron Evans... is your brother." Those three words set me off, it just made the situation a whole lot worse. My brother. My brother, was taken, Laufey took him from me. I looked down at my feet with rage.

"You... you... YOU BASTARD!" I screamed, it was him he did it. "YOU DID IT DIDN'T YOU, YOU KILLED MY PARENTS, YOU STOLE MY BROTHER!"

"Brother? Father what is she talking about?" Laufey stood next to Aaron in shock.

"Don't listen to them my son, they're liars, don't let them fool you!" I've had it up to here with this guy.

"Aaron!" I tore my mask from my face with red eyes and tear stained face. He looked to me. "Would liar looked as pained as I do now, would a liar make up such a story in a few short moments! "Please," I settled into a whisper, "Don't do this Aaron.

"Kill them Blizzard." Laufey said. Aaron looked at him.

"All of them father?"

"Yes, but start with the girl first, punish her for the lies she's told." he smirked at me.

"Yes, father."

"Everyone else! Attack!" Everyone charged at each other, the Avengers, Young Justice, the Chitauri, the Frost giants. It was like war. Aaron and I were going at it. Me dodging his ice, him dodging my fire and energy balls. Almost too quickly, Aaron grabbed hold of my neck and held me high. He wasn't suffocating me, that much. I tried to pry his hands off me but made of ice, they were too slippery.

"Liar." he said.

"Aaron p-please don't do this. Your not a bad p-person."


"Fine." he looked at me confused, I closed my eyes. "You win. Just do it, kill me already." he raised his other hand and it merged into one big ice spear. Just as he was about to impale me I was dropped to the ground. I opened my eyes to expect Tony hovering in front of me but it wasn't, it was Tanya. Aaron was blown back by her repulser rays. "You came!" I said happily.

"Better late than never, am I right?" she said. Aaron stood up with anger glazing his eyes like tears. "Who the hell is that?" she asked, I slowly began to stand up and slipped my mask back on.

"My little brother." Tanya's face mask flipped open as she stood there with a look of shock.

"I am in no way related to you!" he said getting in my face.

"But you are." i smiled at him as I stared deeply in his eyes.

"Stop it." his hands returned to normal as he covered his ears.

"You, are Aaron Evans, son of Claudia and Andrew Evans."

"SHUT UP!" tears brimmed his eyes as he knelled down on the concrete with his hands still covering his ears. I walked up to him and knelt down next to him.

"I am your sister Abigail Evans. I was adopted by Steve Rogers. You can be apart of our family, it's small and broken, but you can help us make it bigger and whole."

"Please help me, I don't want to go back." he looked at me and his eyes filled with light again. "Please." he lunged at me for a hug, I wrapped my arms around him. "It was awful, all those tests, all the brainwashing, it was so painful." he cried harder into me.

"It's ok, I found you, your gonna be alright." I cooed. I have him, I found him, we're back together again. I don't want to let him go ever again. He's my little brother. "Stay here I'll be right back," I stood up.

Just when I thought things were going to be ok again a shadow loomed over me. I turned around slowly to find Laufey towering over me. With one swift motion he sent me flying backwards landing on the hard street. I opened my eyes to find him dragging Aaron away.

"NO, let him go!" I threw an energy ball at him, but he deflected it off his hand. Laufey made a long ice spear out of thin air and charged at me. Right when he was about to strike someone jumped in front of me being impaled in the abdomen. I slowly turned my head wide eyed to find Robin laying lifelessly on the ground. His suit was shredded and blood dripped from the exposed cuts.

"Hm, what a shame I was really hoping the girl would die. I guess your an exception." Laufey forcefully removed the spear from him and walked off.

"Robin?" i crawled over to were he laid. He rolled over wincing in pain. "You idiot why did you do that you idiot."

"I couldn't just stand there and watch you die." his eyes were closing slowly.

"NO, no no no no no! Robin keep your eyes open, please. Please don't leave me." I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face. I tried to slap them away but it was no use.

"Hey don't cry. I might finally be reunited with my parents." i shook my head and sniffled. I heard someone screaming my name but I ignored it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aaron being pulled on a ship.

"Abigail! Abigail please, save me!"

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'll come for you again, someday. Please forgive me, Aaron." I turned my attention back to Robin whose eyes were now closed. "NO, WAKE UP. DON'T DIE ON ME PLEASE! ROBIN! Please." All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my arm and everything started to get blurry.  I looked up and saw Natasha with a syringe in her hand.

"W-what's happening?" my speech slurred and I blacked out.

A/N PLZ read!!!!

Oh nooooo! Robin! Hey everybody, writing this chappie for you all made me so emotional. I think I cried a little. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promnise you there will be another update either Monday or Tuesday I don't know yet. Also I added who will be playing Tanya in the cast so check that out as well. Comment! Vote!


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