Father Daughter Time

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After I explained to everyone what happened while I was in a coma, they were all shocked beyond belief. At first they didn't believe me but they came around. Its still taking a little convincing to get Tony and Bruce to believe, who could blame them, they were men of science of course there going to have trouble believing in something like that. Fury and my dad seem to be hiding something, one; I know this because my dad is really bad at keeping secrets and two; him and Fury were having little side conversations while I was talking about Aaron.

"Director Fury?" all eyes were on me again. "My top priority, saving the boy." his eyebrows knitted together, mostly because what I said was kind of an order.

"Abigail, you know we may need you on the field for much bigger-" I cut him off mid-sentence.

"No." I simply said.

"Excuse me." he raised his voice a little.

"With all due respect sir, I really don't care about anything else right now. All i want is to save the boy, no one should have to go through this." he lifted his chin a bit and nodded.

"You know, nobody has ever stood up to me like that. Well, except for Stark." Tony raised his hand and smiled. "I respect your decision, you have something to fight for, that's an important quality everyone should have. Starting today, your mission, is to find Aaron." and with that I stood up and walked towards my room.


Robin and I were curranty sitting on my bed with our backs to the frame. I laid my head on his lap and he started to play with strands of my hair.

"Hey Robin, you know i've never seen you with your sunglasses off?" he chuckled.

"Well Batman has forbid me from revealing my secret ID outside of school and the Batcave." he said I nodded. I wonder what he lookes like without them?

"Ha, now you see the perks of not having a secret ID, everyone most likely knows who I am." he tilted his head in confusion. "Well you see, everything that has happened to all superheros has been made into comic books. I don't know if I have one released yet but you definently do. I'm owned by the Marvel company and your owned by the D.C. Comics co. But they didn't use any of the real names of the superheros owned by D.C for privacy reasons." I explained.


"So, can you show me what's hidding behind those shades?" he looked down at me and smirked. Slowly, Robin removed the glassed revealing his shimmering blue eyes. I smiled and put my hand on his cheek. "That's better. Promise me that whenever it's just us, those will always be off?"

"Always." I pecked his lips and laid down against his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. "How are you going to find him Abby?" Robin asked.

"I don't know." to be honest, I had no idea of what I was suppost to do next, let alone find him. I was still a little new at this stuff. Robin must have noticed my frustration.

"You need help, don't you?" I simply nodded as he released me from his grip. "Give me a minute and I'll have the team down here in an hour." I bolted up into a sitting position.

"Seriously? Oh thank you!" I pounced on him making usfall down with me on top, the both of us laughing. The laughing seemed to slow to a stop and thing got silent. I stared into his blue eyes as he gazed into my own. All of a sudden I felt his lips on mine as they moved in sync passionatly.

"Hey Abby I was... woah was I interupting something?" I snapped my head as my dad swung the door open shielding his eyes.

"DAD!" I stood up quickly accidentaly puching Robin off the side of the bed.

"Ow." he wined.

"Uhhhh...were you two... I really don't want to know... your way too young... ABIGAIL!" he scolded.

'NO, NO NO NO NO. It was not like that at all I swear!" I glaced behind me and saw that Robin was only now starting to get up from the floor. "So you were saying." I said laughing awkwardly.

"What I was about to say was, i'm going out fo lunch would you like to join me? Ya know a little father daughter time."

"Oh sure yeah I'd like that." i said.

"Great! I'll be waiting in the car." he left my room. I turned around to face Robin and sighed.

"Meet me back here in an hour with the team, ok?" he nodded. "Bye" I ran into the elevator and headed down to the garage.


I hopped into my dad's convertible and buckled my seat belt.

"Cool," I said, my dad started to drive and glanced sideways smiling.

"What? You've never been in one of these before?" I shook my head. "Yeah well this is only like my third time so I'm still new too." the breeze was great, the wind was being blows right into my hair making it fly backwards.

"Where are we going?" His facial expression fell with my words.

"Well, I thought I'd leave that decision up to you since I have no idea where anything is anymore." I giggled.

"Yeah dad, this isn't the 40s anymore." he gave me a look of embarrisment that made me laugh even harder. "Ok ok, how bout, Johnny Rockets?"

"What's that?" he asked.

"It's a burger place, it's really cool I think your gonna like it."

"Alright but your gonna have to give me directions." I nodded and got out my phone.

After about a half hour of driving we parked on the other side of the street from the resturant. When we walkd in it looked so cool, my dad seemed the happiest. It was 50s themed.

"This might be ten years ahead of your time dad but I tried, it was the closest thing there was." his smile grew wider.

"It's amazing. I've never seem anything like this." the feeling made me so happy, that funny feeling you get when you see someone else enjoying themselves, that's the feeling I have. When we took our seats our waitress came over and asked us what we wanted. I ordered a tuna melt with cheese fries and a milkshake, and dad ordered a bacon cheddar double with onion rings and a coke. WHile we were waiting there was a really long silence between the two of us.

"Soooo, how's thing with you and Robin?" my father said while looking out the window. Really the topic he chose to discuse was boys?

"Good, good, everything's...good." I said fiddling with my thumbs. All of a sudden, there was a loud explosion from across the street. My father looked me straight in the eyes.

"Suit up." he ran to the bathroom and appeared in literally two seconds. "C'mon Abby get ready!" everyone in the resturant was staring.

"Oh sorry. Egnahc otni mrofinu!" now I was ready. Running out of the resturaunt I heard several gasps and whispers about my dad and I which made a small smile appear on my lips.

When we arrived at the scene we noticed a huge of ice shooting out of the side of the building traveling in several directions.

"What's happening?" I asked my dad.

"I have no idea." he replied.

"I do." the two of us turned around to face. Thor. "It is nice to see you again Lady Abigail. The portal to the bifrost has been opened and frost giants are flooding the place." my breathing sped up and my eyes widened. My dad placed a hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"We're going to need a lot of help."

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