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(Third Person Perspective)

Abigail was laying unconscious on the floor being stared at by the people. Nobody knew what to do they just witnessed a battle between the Sorceress and two ice villains. Minites passed by and someone finally called an ambulance and she was rushed to the hospital.

(Steve's P.O.V)

Where's Abby, she should be back by now? I'm starting to get worried. She's been gone for hours. Natasha walked up to me.

"Steve, stop pacing your creating a draft." I didn't even realize I was pacing. "You're worried. I get that but Abby's a strong girl she'll be okay." I nodded but I still didn't believe that.

"Will the Avengers please report to Director Fury's office"

They announced over the loud speaker. All of us rushed over there as fast as we could, hoping it's news on Abby.

"Where is she? What happened? Is she back yet?" Tony said.

"Since when do you worry Tony, especially about kids?" I asked.

"This is Abby we're talking about here." he replied. He's right, this is Abby. Somehow she's managed to find a way to wiggle herself in a small place in all our hearts.

"Abigail is in the hospital." Fury said, all of us gasped.

"What has happened." Thor said.

"She was fighting Icicle Junior and Icicle Senior, she did defeat them, but she was grazed. She lost a lot of blood." I couldn't take it anymore, I ran out of the room to the garage.

(Third Person Perspective)

Steve ran to the garage, hoped on his bike and drove straight to the hospital with the others close behind. In about ten minutes they all arrived into the hospital and bombarded the lady at the front desk.

"We're here to see Abigail Evans." they all asked. The lady looked up above her glasses.


"Uhh, the Sorceress." Natasha chimed in, by now she was in tears.

"Oh yes she's in room 307, but are you her family? Only the are allowed to visit."

"Yes." they scurried to her room. They came to a halt right at the door way. They all started to tear up at the sight. She was hooked to wires and prodded with needles.

"Oh Abby!" Natasha ran to her side and grabbed her hand, crying on her stomach. Natasha cared deeply for Abby as if she were her own daughter. It kills her to see Abigail hurt.

"I'll be back." Tony's voice cracked. Minutes later Tony came in with an Iron Man teddy bear and a doctor at his side. He placed it next to Abigail and the doctor spoke.

"I presume you all are Abigail's family."
He asked.

"Yes." they said in unison.

"Well I'm sorry to tell you this but,
Ms. Evans is in a coma." Natasha couldn't hold back anymore she bursted into loud sobs with Clint close for comfort.

"When will she wake up." Thor asked.

"We don't know, but if she doesn't wake up in a week or so, she may never." No one said anything, they just knew they had to wait.


Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to keep it short so I could leave you all on a cliff hanger. So, I hope y'all like it so far comment any plot twists you think I should add. Comment! Vote!


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