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I was about twenty feet above my dad when I saw him swiftly tuck and land on the ships deck. It was strange to see no one guarding the cargo in that area. To move quicker I nose dived towards the deck. At the last minute I levitated and hovered above and gracefully landed on board.

"Where is everyone else?" Capt whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and pointed upwards.

"Relax Capt, they're on their way." he looked up as a small figures making their way down with small parachutes.

"Leave us hanging why don't ya." Nat whisper yelled at us as she unbuckled the parachute for her waist.

"Sorry," I said a little rudely, following Nat was six soldiers that landed on the ship.

"So what's the plan Capt? one of the soldiers said.

" Actually I wanted to see what Agent Evans plan was." my eyes shot in his direction.

"M-me!?!" he nodded.

"Well, you're going to be leading your own team soon so this'll be good practice. But if anything goes wrong, I'll step in." I clench my fists and nodded.

"Okay," all of us huddled together so I can speak "First we need to scout the perimeter, I need someone to hack the system." saying that made my chest tighten, I knew the perfect person for that job. I shook the thought away. This unspoken pain, feels like my heart was just shattered into millions of pieces, because I know I can never get him back, and it's all my fault.

"I can do that." Another soldier that was standing behind Nat got to work on his computer.

"Good, I need you to find a map of the ship, find out where they're keeping the hostages." About a few minutes later we were on our way to cargo storage room where about ten S.H.I.E.L.D were tied up on the floor at gunpoint. My eyes widened at the site. The were about to exacute them! "Capt this is where we come in." He gave me a single nod and kicked the door down.

It seems like only a matter of minutes went by as I watched all of the passed out so guards laying lifelessly on the ground. Almost immediately, Natasha ran over to the computer desks and started furiously typing.

"Now what Agent?" Capt said to me as he lay a hand on my shoulder.

"Agent Romanoff?" I looked to her.

"Already done." I turned back to look at Capt.

"Now... we get the hell out of here." He gave me a single nod as we all bolted out with the other Agents and boarded the jet.

Before I could step on, I heard the snicker of a young boy. when I turned around it was too late, I was hit in the abdomen buy a large ice ball that flung me off the side of the ship. I could feel the coldness surrounding me, as I helplessly sunk deeper into the ocean depth.

(Steve's P.O.V)

Before if I could react I saw Abigail's body being flown off the ship.

"Abigail!" I screamed. as I look to my left , I could see Aaron with a sick smile stretching far above his lips. I dived into the dark water. Why could anyone do this such a young boy I thought as I swam deep into the ocean, why would Laufey make Aaron do such a thing, he was only 14. He was brainwashing him. And I will do anything to help Abigail get him back. I reached out for Abigail's hand desperately trying to save her. When I gripped her frail fingers, I held her tight to me as a swim her up to the ladder hanging from the jet.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

I woke with a start, trying to take in my surroundings. I noticed I was laying in a bed in the hospital wing of shield headquarters. placed on the wall was a small clock that read 9:30. Flashbacks of last night's mission circled through my mind, what a waste, the whole thing was a setup. Laufey was trying to get to me but ultimately failed because I am safe and sound, here, at home. I remember that the mission last night Aaron was there, Laufey had gotten to him once more. I needed to stop him brainwashing my brother again, I need to get him back. And no one will stand in my way.


HEY!!! I know another sucky chapter, but I promise you it's important for the next one, so stay tuned. In Bifrost Battle pt. 2 I added some back ground music to the chapter so go check that out. Also sorry for the late update I was grounded for a bit so I wasn't able to go on the internet or any device for that matter.

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