Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D

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"Hello, I'm Director Fury. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D." cool, I'm standing in front of Nick Fury. "I've heard a lot about you,"

"Same for you," I state "So, you know about my abilities, right?" I wasn't to worried about him thinking differently about me, he deals with my kind of people every day.

"Yes I do, and they are quite magnificent. How old are you exactly?"

"I just turned fifteen."

"Well you can never start them too young right Agent Romanoff?" We both turned our heads to look at her.

"That's right I started even younger." wow, this is even better than I imagined.

"We wanted to recruit you for our new Junior Avengers initiative. We could use a person with your talents." I looked at him sternly before answering.

"I gladly accept."

"Good, follow me Abigail, their are some people I want you to meet." I wonder who it could be? He led us into a sort of lounge area filled with some people. I didn't quite get a good look at who they were cause Fury was in front of me. He pulled me from behind.

"Who's the squirt?" Some man, with a very interesting beard shape, said.

"Everyone this is Abigail, Abigail this is the team." I felt my eyes widen and my mouth open slightly, I was face to face with some of the greatest heroes in New York. They were like my idols.

A very muscular and tall man with dirty blonde hair approached me. "Hi my names Steve this is Tony, Dr. Banner, Agent Barton, Thor, and I believe you've already met Agent Romanoff." I had no words I just gave a small nod and waved.

"I hear your now a Junior Avenger?" said Clint.

"Yes, she is. Abigail, would you care to see where you will be staying?" Fury asked. I nodded. He motioned to Natasha to take me to my room. The rooms were on the top floor. I noticed that down the hall there were a bunch of other rooms.



"Are there going to be a lot more on the team with me?"

"We hope so, and hopefully they will be staying up here with you." I nodded my head and entered my new room.

"Wow!" Natasha watched me in amusement while I soaked in the glory of my room. "This is so cool."

"I designed it myself I though you might like it." (Pic on the side)

"This is great."

"I'll be leavening now, but if you need anything just give me a call ok? I'll see you later."

"Ok bye, oh and Natasha?"


"Thank you." she gave me a single nod and closed my bedroom door behind her. I practically dropped my bag on the floor and started to take in the glory of my new room, it was the exact opposite at my old foster home. I slowly walked around, gliding my hand across the velvety blanket and spinning around landing in bed.

"My own room huh?" In the foster home I was in I had to share a room with four other girls, it was pretty crowded. I slowly drifted to sleep.


"Yes? Come in." I shouted. Natasha opened the door and peeked her head inside.

"Hi! I was wondering if you were hungry?"

"I'm practically starving!" I said hopping off my bed.

"That much huh?" She raised an eyebrow.

"In the foster home we were only allowed two meals a day, so I haven't eaten since breakfast." she nodded back. We headed towards the kitchen area. "So, what's for dinner?" She laughed.

"Well, it was Tony's turn to pick tonight so, he chose shawarma. It's been his favorite ever since...... well you know."

"That's........interesting," when we walked everyone greeted me.

"Hi, so. Tony, shawarma?"

"Yep, it's pretty good just try it." I picked up the giant burrito looking thing and took a bite.

"Wow, it is good!"

"See told ya." he said motioning to my food. For the rest of our meal we just talked, it was normal.

I loved it.

These people were like my family now, we laughed, a lot. Most of them wanted to know my story, my facial expression dropped.

"Oh, oh you don't need to tell us if it's to hard." I looked back up at Steve.

"It's fine, I want to." I sighed "When I was nine......."


"Abby, baby I want you to stay right here I'll be right back for you ok." I nodded to my mom, she had his me in a cupboard underneath the stairs. "I love you Abby," she said crying.

"I love you mommy-" I was interrupted by a loud crash of glass shattering, I started to shake. She kissed my forehead and closed the door.

"Where's the witch!" A very deep voice boomed.

"You will not get anywhere near our child!" My father yelled.

"I had gotten my powers from my mom, but my dad. He was just....normal."

"NO! DAVID! HOW COULD YOU!" My mother started screaming so, I peeked out the door and saw my dad laying on the floor and my mom throwing energy balls at the figure. The monstrous figure saw me and started to head in my direction. "Stay away from my daughter!" My mom screamed. I ran towards her I now cower behind her as she try's to protect me.

"Daddy!" I cry out he's laying on the floor, not breathing. I past the monster facing in front of my mother and I and run to my fathers side. "No! Daddy, daddy please wake up!"

I start to tense up and scream, not in sorrow, in anger. My mother looks at me in fear.

"Abby......" I look down at my small hands, they're surrounded in this purple flame like aura. "Your eyes....." I look at the shattered mirror on the floor and my eyes are flaming new color as well. She gently walks up to me and before she's in my reach she's impaled with a long sword through her chest.

"NO!" I'm furious. My family is gone I'm all alone, I feel like breaking down and crying my eyes out but I can't I must avenge them. I start saying these, these. Random words I never though existed and the monster who killed my mother, and father, is taken back. "Etativel mih!" The figure is now levitating in the air my fists are clenching tighter each minute until I feel the blood trickle down my knuckles. "Taeh sih romra!" The metal on his armor starts to burn him to a crisp and he falls to the floor "Etacoffus, ekohc!"He starts to suffocate and choke, desperately trying to gasp for air.

"You did this," I start out softly and I get louder and louder. "You killed them! YOU TOOK AWAY MY FAMILY!" I let a single tear roll down my cheek. Suddenly I feel a stinging sensation in my arm and start to get dizzy. Before I know it I pass out everything goes black.


"I was tranquilized and put into a foster home immediately." everyone was on the verge of tears, and I didn't even know until now that I was sobbing and Natasha was holding me for comfort.

"That is a sad tale indeed." Thor said drying his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Abby," Steve said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, me too." I turned my head to look at Tony who's sitting across the table from me. I giggled.

"What's so funny?" His voice cracked.

"Tony, are you crying?" He looked at me sternly.

"No! I-I just got something in my eye that's all," he said sniffling. We all laughed along. My new family, I think I'm gonna like it here.


Hey, how's the book so far! I wanted to clear something up. So, Abigail's powers are just like Zatanna's from Young Justice, she says the words backwards. But, she doesn't need to speak all the time. Comment! Vote!


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