Bifrost Battle pt.2

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There is fight scene music in this part so play it when the part where Robin see's the Frost Giants heading his way till the part Natasha and Steve start talking.

(Third person P.O.V)

Abigail shook in fear as the frost giants began to destroy Manhattan. Everyone has left to do their work, but Robin stayed at her side.

"You can do this Abby I know you can." he said, Abigail tried to calm her nerves. "You ready?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, lets do this. Etativel!" as Abby flew off Robin smiled, proud of her. His smile vanished as |Robin caught the eyes of two frost giants heading his way.

"C'mon ugly! Show me whatcha got." he flung several Batarangs at them knocking them back, while taking the opportunity to use his grappling gun and make his escape. The two giants looked around frantically looking for the young hero when they heard a faint laughter of a boy. All of a sudden Robin dropped out of the sky kicking the Frost Giants in the face knocking out cold. "Phew, this might take a while." he said and ran off to help the others.

Meanwhile, Abigail was currently fighting off a handful of medium sized giants in the sky beside Tony. Since the frost giants can't fly it was convenient for the two to just shoot them while in the air. But what they don't know is the great strength they have to hurl shards of ice at them, causing Abigail to get quite scratched up.

"Pots!" just as Tony and Abigail were about to get hit with another storm if ice shards, she froze them in place as she motioned the ice to turn around with the wave of her hand. "Esrever." she said simply, and the ice went crashing down on the giants. "Okay, next."

Next to Barton, Artemis was taking out the much bigger giants on top of a building by shooting foam filled arrows at the villains. With each arrow she shot, foam would pour out trapping the victim in a rock hard foam prison.

"You know your a good shot." Clint said shooting an explosive arrow while not looking, hitting his target.

"Your not to bad yourself birdy." Artemis teased, Clint just chuckled and continued firing.

Steve violently threw his shield at a giant and it ricocheted off its head hitting three others landing back in his hand. He placed the shield on his back doubling over with his hands on his knees. Natasha walked over to him and patted his back.

"C'mon Capt." he stood up and breathed deeply from being out of breath.

"How many did I take out already?" Steve asked. Natasha pretanded to count with her finger on her chin.

"How the hell should I know." he chuckled lightly. "If I were to take a guess I'd say about a few dozen or so." Steve looked at her in shock.

Really it's only been an hour and... whoa." she patted him on the back again.

"Don't act so surprised Capt, you've handled much more, that were much worse." Natasha stated while kicking a small giant right in the face. Steve knew this too, it's been a little while since he's handled this many before though, but what now crossed his mind was Abigail's well being. I hope she's alright. He thought.

About a half hour later, everyone huddled up.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

We were all grouped up to discuss he situation

"Is it over?" Natasha asked. If it was, that was too easy. I expected more of a fight, especially since i've seen the much bigger and hostile like frost giants, why weren't they here, fresh out?

"I did a parimiter sweep and nothing." Tony stated.

"I think so. All of them are either dead," I said shivering at the word dead "trapped, or unconscious." everyone cheered giving each other high fives. But when I turned around a bifrost portal was being opened. "No," I whispered to myself.

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