The Sorceress is Born

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(Steve's P.O.V)

I picked up, Abby bridal style, and took her into her room. She fell asleep in the screening room watching tv with Natasha. I set her on her bed and covered her with the blanket. I looked at her, Abby was a very sweet girl, I hope I can always be there for her, when she needed me.

{Three weeks later}

(Abigail's P.O.V)

"Shh quiet everyone, Clint ya got the camera ready?" Tony whispered, I slightly peeked through my almost closed eyes and saw Tony with a bucket of water, Clint with a camera, and the rest of the team standing in my room, even Coulson. Did I forget to mention, everyone found out Coulson's death was fake.

"It's ready dude."

"Ok 3...2-" before Tony could dump the bucket on me I cut him off.

"Etativel eht tekcub dna pmud ti no yonT!" The bucket levitated and dumped all the water onto Tony. "Ha ha! Can't get me that easily Tony."

"Mother of- damn you Abby." everyone laughed. "You better delete that Clint." he said pointing to him.

"Yeah, I don't think so." I giggled.

"Hey Abigail, give me a hug!" I got wide eyed.

"NO! Don't you dare Tony!" He tried to jump on me. "Etativel!" I levitated to the ceiling and he looked up.

"Hey, no fair you used magic." he whined.

"Too bad." I stuck my tongue out at him. Everyone broke out into laughter and started to leave my room.

"Come down for breakfast when your ready, all of us want to talk, okay Abby?" Natasha said.

"Alright. Dnecsed!" I started descending down and plopped onto my bed. All week I've been doing nothing but training, with Natasha and with Steve, I guess it's kinda fun. I changed into some clothes I can workout in for later, my sneakers and headed to the kitchen area. "Hey.." I sniffed a few times, "Whatcha cookin Dr. Banner," said peaking over his shoulder.

"Eh, eggs and bacon."

"K." I sat down and Dr. Banner handed all of us our plates. "This is pretty good Banner."

"Well I had to learn, I was on my own a lot."

"Yeah, so what do you all wanna talk about?" I said before taking another spoonful of eggs.

"," Natasha said.

"What about me?" I looked around the table at everyone.

"Well if your gonna be apart of the J.A. team your gonna need a suit."

"And a name." Clint added after Tony.

"Really?! Ooo, this is so exciting." I was practically bouncing in my seat.

"I'll take you to the armory after this alright?" Natasha said.

"Ok, any ideas about the name?" Everyone looked at each other kind of confused.

"We know you need to pick a name that kind of matches what type of person you are, and that's magic." Dr. Banner said.

"Well, as long as it doesn't have witch in it, that brings back bad memories," I said looking down.

"I'm fond of Mistress of Magic." Thor started.

"That's kinda corny." Tony said, Thor glared at him.

"Nah, I wanna keep it short." we were all thinking about it hard.

"Sorceress." Clint said.

"What?" Me and Natasha said in unison.

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