Aaron Evans?

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(Robin's P.O.V)

I decided to ask Natasha what I should get Abby and she suggested a necklace, mostly because she already got her a bracelet. It was perfect I also wanted to get her a bouquet of flowers but I don't know when she'll be awake so I'll get them when she does.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

I was searching data bases looking for more info. Currently I'm hacking the Pentagon's classified lvl. 7 S.H.I.E.L.D files. Damn firewall. Yes, I'm in! I've been searching for hours and nothing, everything leads to a dead end. The only thing I could get was info on the boy's. Aaron Evans, 14, birthday: October 25, height 5'4", they even have a picture. Well what a coincidence, we have the same last name. They even have a picture of him, brown hair, blue eyes. He looks so innocent. (pic on the side)

This is wrong, experimenting on kids. I have to save him. I could only imagine the pain he goes through.

I couldn't believe what I found, they have been testing on 49 other guys, and Aaron was the only survivor.

(Steve's P.O.V)

Fury had called me down to his office for a briefing.

"Sir," he looked up at me with concern filling his eyes.

"Captain," he had files in front of him that had Abby and some kid Aaron's name printed on them. Then I noticed that they both had the same last name. "What I am about to tell you must stay between me, and you. You can't tell anybody not Agent Romanoff, not Barton, and especially not Abigail. Do you understand?" I looked into his remaining eye, there was no emotion.

"Yes sir,"

"Good. First off Abigail's parents, were S.H.I.E.L.D agents. They were some of the best forensic scientists we've ever had. But when Claudia, her mother, got pregnant, they retired." I couldn't believe it, I'm really guilty about having to hide this from Abby. "Now, Abigail wasn't their only child."

"What, where's the other one!?!" I asked.

"Be quiet and listen. His name is Aaron Evans, he will be turning fifteen in a few months. Now like Andrew, their father, he was born normal." I can't believe this, she has, or had, a brother, how am I going to keep this from her. I'm a terrible liar.

"How does Abby not remember him?"

"She was only a few mothers old, she didn't know what was going on." I nodded.

"Where is he?" I asked, Fury was growing impatient. Well, so am I.

"I'm getting to that. Aaron was born at six months too early due to an accident. After Claudia's C-section, he went missing, along with forty-nine other infants." I gasped in horror "They were kidnapped, by the ice villains. That weapon they are building, is a mutant super soldier, like you but with ice powers. They duplicated the super soldier serum and tweaking it to their liking." what? I felt awful, no one should be put through the pain I have. Abby would be devastated from this news, what can I do?

"What's my mission?" I asked sternly.

"Rescue the boy."that was all I needed to hear. I nodded and made my way out of the office to do some research.

(Robin's P.O.V)

I just came back from the jewelry store, purchasing the perfect gift for Abby. I really hope she likes it, now I need to get the flowers.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

I was heading back to the hospital when I started to get even more transparent. Wait, am I finally dying? No, I can't I have to save that kid, it's not my time yet!


Woahhh cliffhanger!!! So, I wanted to say how much I enjoyed writing this chapter for you all, you finally know more about Abby's parents and their deepest darkest secret. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!
Okay... tell me what you thought about this chapter, also if you guys could plz vote for my chapters that would be great. Comment! Vote!!!


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