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(Steve's P.O.V)

It's been four days since the accident and Abby still hadn't woken up yet. Natasha and I have been visiting her nonstop, Tony sometimes too. She has dozens of presents on her night stand. Tony got her a Iron Man teddy bear, Phil got her the rest of the Avengers teddy bears, Bruce got flowers, Clint gave her tickets to Comic Con (I know right), Thor gave her a mug that said 'Another!', Fury got a card, Natasha gave her a Pandora bracelet with a few charms, and me. Well it's a surprise.

"She'll wake up Nat." I gave her a reassuring smile as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"And if she doesn't?" It broke my heart every time someone said that.

"She will." I sighed. Oh Abby. I wonder what's happening in that head of yours?

***Four days earlier***

(Abby's P.O.V)


For the past couple hours that's all i've seen.

For all I know, I could be dead.

Just a memory, waiting to be forgotten.


I remember fighting Senior and Junior, and getting hurt. When I 'woke up' i saw Natasha crying next to me. How can i see myself, that's not possible? I looked down at my hands and they were transparent, my whole body was. Was I dead. I looked at the doctor next to me.

"I presume you all are Abigail's family."
He asked.

"Yes." they said in unison.

"Well I'm sorry to tell you this but,
Ms. Evans is in a coma." Natasha couldn't hold back anymore she bursted into loud sobs with Clint close for comfort. I was in a coma?

"When will she wake up?" Thor asked.

"We don't know, but if she doesn't wake up in a week or so, she may never." No one said anything, so I-I might actually die? I couldn't stay there anymore. I ran out of the room, out of the hospital, I didn't know where to go. No one could see me, so that's a benefit.

I decided to head back to S.H.I.E.L.D and do some investigating on the Ice Villains new project. I heard talking coming from Fury's office so I took a peek. I gasped. It's the Young Justice team! What are they doing at S.H.I.E.L.D? Fury started talking.

"I called you here not because I needed your help, because I wanted to tell you there's been an accident." Oh, they were only talking about me. "Abby's in the hospital." At that moment Robin dropped to his knees. I know I only met the other teammates four hours ago but they look devastated.

"What happened?" Wally said. In his eyes all I saw was anger and sadness. Why did I mean so much to these guys?

"She was battling Icicle Senior and Junior when she was grazed, that's all I know. If you want to know more I suggest you go to the hospital. Steve and Natasha should be there right now." that's when Robin and Wally made there way to the car.

(Third Person Perspective)

The team made there way towards the hospital as Abby did some reserch on S.H.I.E.L.D's hidden files. When the team got there they found Steve and Natasha sitting on either side of Abigail's hospital bed.

"Abby?" Robin was heartbroken to see Abigail like this. He might not beilive it yet but, he does love her. Steve stood up to help Robin back on his feet.

"Are you alright son?" Steve said, all Robin could do was nod.

"What's wrong with her?" Megan asked, Natasha started sobbing again.

"She's in a coma," Robin walked to Abigail's side to sit on the chair. He gently grabbed her hand, while he let the tears spew out and down his flushed cheeks.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

I was reserching the machine the ice villains could possibly be making when I felt some sort of preasure on my hand, as if someone was holding it. It's probbibly Steve or Natasha.

"Ah ha!" I found it. They're making a humanoid weapon. That's cruel, experimenting on someone. Supposedly they were building a boy that was a mutant with ice powers, kinda like Isicle Junior, but evn more dangerous. We have a big problem on our hands!

***One hour later***

The rest of the team left, ten minutes ago, and said there goodbyes but Robin, refused to leave Abigail.

"Dick." Robin looked up at Steve.

"How do you know my real name?" he replied with for furred eyebrows.

"I have my ways. Richard Grayson. Can I speak to you out in the hall?"

"Sure." he stood up slowly and made his way out of the room unsatisfied with Steve's answer, leaving Natasha and Abigail alone.

"What's going on with you and Abby?" Steve said sternly while crossing his arms, Robin sighed.

"Nothing, and that's the problem. It's like Wally and I are fighting for her affection." he looked down.

"You love her?" Steve asked.

"Since the first time I laid eyes on her sir. She's strong, smart, determined, beautiful, I honestly would be devistated if she never woke up." his facial expression sofened as he nodded.

"Listen, I've loved a women before but I never had the chance to show her how I felt. I want you to have that chance. If you really love someone that much, you need to fight for them." Robin took in what he said. "If you give it your all, Wally doesn't stand a chance. Maybe start off by getting her a present for when she wakes up."

"If she wakes up." He said.

"And she will."

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