Bifrost Battle pt. 1

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"We're going to need a lot, of help." I nodded and relaxed myself, I can do this, I pulled out my S.H.I.E.L.D phone and started contacting as many heroes I knew to help. First, Robin.


"Robin, it's me I need help." I said in panic.

"Abby what's wrong are you hurt?!?." He said worryingly, a loud boom appeared again making me fall backwards. "What was that?!"

"Listen, I need you to get down here as soon as possible Frost Giants are about to flood the place any moment."

"Alright. I'm on my way." and he hung up. Next, Mt. Justice.

"Hello?" It was Batman.

"Bruce! I need you to send the Young Justice team over as soon as possible, we're in big trouble."

"What's the situation?" he asked a little too calmly.

"Frost Giants, a lot of them."

"Okay. I'm sending Kid Flash to met up with you now the others will be there with the Bio-ship soon." and he hung up. I jogged up to were my dad was as he began devising a plan with the other Avengers, Dr.Banner still didn't Hulk up...yet.

"Did you make contact?" he asked me.

"Yeah, they should be here soon. So what's the plan Capt?" he shot me a smirk when I said, Capt.

"Barton, Stark and Abby you take the high ground, Stark if they leave this area you turn em' back around-' he was cut off by the low hum of the Bio-ship. When it landed the back lowered down and the whole team walked out with Kid running up to me.

"Hey beautiful." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey Wally thanks for coming." I gave him a brief hug.

"Did someone call for back up." I looked behind Kid and saw Robin all suited up. I never noticed this before but, Robin was kind of muscular.

"Huddle up over here guys." dad said, we all got into a circle and my father bagan to speak. Robin sliped his arm around my waist with Nat smirking at us. Banner Hulked out and tried to remain calm for the time being.

"Ok new plan. Stark, Abby and Megan you take the high ground and strike from above. Thor you got the lightning, light the bastards up. Kaldur, Kid, Robin, Nat and I we'll stay down here and attack, try to keep them out of building away from the people. Barton and Artemis, you take them out from up high, you'll be our snipers. Hulk and Superboy...smash." all of us began to seperate until Natasha told us to stop.

"How will we communicate?" she asked. I raised my hand slightly.

"I got it covered." I picked up twelve pebbles from the ground and held them in the palm of my hand. "Nrut otni detcennoc smocretni!" the twelve pebbles turned into intercoms and I distributed them to everyone.

"Hey what about me?" Tony asked. I smirked to myself.

"Forget you Tony, you don't get one." he looked at me sadly. "Just kidding, use your helmet and have JARVIS connect you to the itercoms." he nodded and did just that. "There's still one more person I need to call. Everyone looked around the group to see who was missing, but Robin looked to me, because he knew exactly who I was talking about. Tanya. Of course we both knew Tony would flip if he found out about her but, we need the help, we have no time for a father daughter reunion. You heard me, Tanya's Tony's daughter. Mind Blown.

"How is it Abby?" Nat asked.

"I can't say, you'll just have to wait and see." I pulled out my phone and texted Tanya and told her get here as soon as soon as she could.


The building on the left of us exploded with ice. My eyes widened in terror as hundreds of frost giants started to flood in.

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