A Love Hate Relationship

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One week later.

I was currently sitting in the lounge with Tony eating tacos for lunch when a thought came to mind. Tony...Tony, Tanya. Tony and Tanya! Crap, I totally forgot about them.

"Abby you all right, what are you thinking about?" I slowly turned my head to face him and held an awkward smile. "Stop that, your freaking me out."

"Sorry, do... do you remember that girl that was at the battle a while ago?"

"No not really, I only remember her suit, that little info broker." he mumbled.

"First of all she's not a thief and second of all she made the suit on her own. I think yours is even outdated compared to hers." I searched on my phone and found the picture I had of her. I stood and handed my phone to Tony, he hesitated but took it and started examining her. Then I remembered, Tony hates being handed things, I think the only people he takes things from are me, Pepper and Fury. Maybe a few other exceptions but that's it really.

Speaking of Pepper, how's she doing? I've got to visit her sometime soon. "I remember her now, she kind of looks like me." he said while making a face and touching his nose. Uh oh, this wasn't my secret to share! I can't tell him she's his. Oh by the way Tony, you have a fourteen year old daughter I just happened to run into and decided to not share this important information with you because I made a promise? Yeah, not happening. I took my phone from him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's time you two meet, and... discuss a few things." He gave me a look of confusion but I just simply nodded.

I went off to the kitchen to drop off my dirty dish, then went off to my room for some privacy. I hesitated while clicking the call button under Tanya's name.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Tanya it's me, Abby." it felt kind of awkward talking to her on the phone, it's been a week since I've last seen her.

"Oh hey! It's been a while. I heard about the news, I'm sorry for your loss, I know what your going through." I felt the lump in my throat.

"Thanks. So listen do you mind swinging by headquarters, we need to talk about some things." it was silent for a bit before she finally answered.

"Ok, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Great, bye."

Ten minutes later I was called down to the lobby because I had a "visitor". While at the top of the steps I could see Tanya waiting, surrounded by two security guards in suits.

"Alright guys I can take her from here." I said with the wave of my hand.

"Are you sure Agent, she could be hos-" I cut him off.

"I said, your dismissed. I'm already having a very stressful day and you do not want to piss me off. So you will report back to office for further instructions." They looked taken back but gave me a single nod and headed on their way. I looked to Tanya and smiled, she stood their in shock. We started walking.

"Wow, I just can't believe they took orders from a fifteen year old." she said with a laugh.

"Yeah, being a Junior Avenger has it's perks, you can be one too, if your up for it." I could see the distress in her eyes so I dropped the subject. "My orders come from high up, plus my level's higher then Agent Coulson's, also...everyone kinda knows about my little breakdown after Robin's death so, they know to give me my space." She gave me a little nod.

"Hey I'd comfort and sulk with you but I'm too badass for that." I giggled and gave her a little punch in the arm, she wasn't wrong, Tanya was pretty badass. "So...what did you want me for?" I raised my hands up.

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