Surprises, Mall, Pizza, and Secrets

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(Steve's P.O.V) been a while, I know

Abigail's been in her room for a couple days now. Sure she eats, sleeps, showers, but she doesn't talk. The only person she's really been talking to now is Tanya. I've been sending Tanya in with food for Abby because it's the only way she'll eat.

Clint and I have been trying to find ways to cheer her up, but all our ideas have failed spectacularly. The two of us have been sitting around for an hour trying to come up with something and I've been pestering Clint to stop twirling his arrow, seriously he could poke someone's eye out.

"What are you two doing?" Natasha walked in with her hands on her hips. Clint and I glanced at each other than looked at all the crumpled balls of paper.

"We're trying to come up with ideas to cheer Abby up." Clint said.

"Yeah, you're a girl. What else do they like?" she looked at us dumfounded and rolled her eyes.

"Jeez boys are so clueless. You're thinking two much like girls. Think guy. Abby's not that girly, don't compare her to all the other girls." Natasha walked out, Clint snapped his fingers and stood up.

"I got it!" he shouted.

"Got what?" I moaned still sitting on the couch.

"Oh, get up Steve." he pulled me up and dragged me towards the elevator.

"And what exactly is your plan?" I asked, we got into the elevator and Clint slammed on the very top floor button.

"Remember the day we all visited Abby in the hospital and gave her get well presents?" I nodded. "Remember what I got her?"

"Those Comic Con tickets!" He nodded, "When is Comic Con?"

"Tomorrow actually."


As soon as the elevator doors opened Clint and I bolted to Abby's room door. I nocked and after I heard the faintest 'come in'. When we walked in I saw Abby laying on her stomach hugging the Iron Man bear Tony gave her.

"Hey sweetie, whatcha watching?" I asked sitting next to her.

"This show called Henry Danger it's actually pretty funny, also Jace Norman's kind of cute." when the show ended she switched to the AMC channel and shot up so she was in a sitting position. "My favorite show's on, I love The Walking Dead. I really wish I could meet the cast." I turned my head to the screen and the first thing I saw was some man hit some monstrous thing in the head with an axe, apparently he couldn't kill it so some boy about Abby's age shot it in the head.

"This is graphic! No no, you are not to watch such violence!" I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.


"Steve! We're suppose to be making her feel better not worse." Clint whispered in my ear.

"Sorry," I turned the TV back on and the boy was now sitting on a roof eating pudding. "Now that I get a good look at him. He looks exactly like Aaron." next to me, I heard Abby start to whimper and cry. "Oh, did I say Aaron?" Clint shook his head while comforting her.

"Listen, we have a surprise for you." Clint said, Abby perked up and wiped her tears away.

"I'm listening,"

"So how would you, like for me and your dad to take you, to Comic Con!" She jumped off the bed and stared me in the eyes.


"Yes, really." the next thing I know Abby starts screaming in happiness causing Clint and I to wince and cover our ears. When I opened my eyes I noticed bubbles flying around the room.

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