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I was suited up and walking towards the jet where my dad and Nat were waiting for me, when I heard someone calling my name.

"Abby!" I frustratingly turned around and faced Wally. "Don't go, it's too dangerous. Why are you going anyway? You weren't assigned." I crossed my arms.

"It's my job."

"Screw that, your being reckless, what would Robin say?!" I felt like someone just slapped me. There was a lump in my throat.

"Don't you dare speak for him Wally." I went to turn around but he grabbed my wrist.

"I'm sorry Abby I just don't want you getting hurt. I understand, your literally trying to fight through the pain. But, it's not healthy, you shouldn't take your anger with you on the battlefield." I caressed his arm with my hand.

"I have to go Wally." he nodded and turned to walk away but something dropped out of his back pocket. "Wait Wally, you dropped your wallet." I froze when I saw what was inside and I tore off my mask to look at it. Tears started to rush like a wave down my face. It was a picture of Wally and Robin. (pic on the side, sry I know there played by real people but I that was all I could find)

"That was taken a few years back, when I first met him and when he became Robin." he took back his wallet and I just continued to look at the picture. "You can have it if you want. I know how much you miss him. We all do too." he said his voice cracking. I wrapped my arms around him for comfort.

"Thank you so much Wal." we separated and my dad called me aboard. "I'll be seeing you Wal." I waved him off and ran to the jet.

The ride over seas was silent as I hugged the picture Wally gave me close. He's in a better place now, I'll see him again. Someday.

"We'll be above our destination in ten minutes." the pilot called from the front. My dad and Nat were sitting across from me as they watched me caress the photo in my hand.

"Whatcha got there Abby?" Steve asked pointing to the picture. I smiled and let a single tear run down my face showing them it.

"It's the only picture I have of him, Wally have it to me." I said hanging my head low.

"Oh Abs, don't let yourself down like that. At least it's not the only object you have to remember him by

They looked happy and cheerful, like the best of friends. But when Robin was still here it was like they had grown apart, like everything had to be a competition, like with me. I was one of the things that drove them apart that made them frenemies.

That hurts, it makes me feel so guilty, maybe if I wasn't with Robin so he wouldn't have saved me like he did, he might still be alive. People have been telling me not to blame myself for Robin's death, but how could I not. It was my fault, if only I hadn't let him get so attached.

I just miss him so much. I'd do anything to seen him one last time. Now he's with his parents.

"We are above foreign territory." the pilot called flipping a few switches. I looked next to me to see my dad getting ready. "What no parachute Capt?" The pilot called again.

"Don't need one," and he jumped out of the hanger door. I sighed and stood at the edge of the plane.

"Well... here goes nothing." And with that I leaped off the jet.


Sorry for the sucky chapter it was more like a fill in I know.

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