Avengers Tower and Lost & Found

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When we arrived back at headquarters, or home, I went down to the workshop to see what Tony was up to.

"Hey!" I said jumping down from the stairs.

"Hey, how was it?" he asked.

"Awesome!" I leaned against the table he was working on, it was covered in holograms. "What are you doing?" for the final touch he put a big 'A' on the top of the building, he spun it around for me to look at.


"Yeah, I'm working on rebuilding Stark Tower and turning it into Avengers Tower." I was astonished, Avengers Tower? Cool.

"What's it for?" I asked.

"Fury was thinking of moving the Avengers there and making it our headquarters." he paused for a minute and continued "I'm suppose to ask if you would like to move you and your team there too?" I grinned and walked over to him.

"Gladly," he smirked and gave me a side hug, it's rare for Tony to be this affectionate with people except for Pepper, but I'm an exception "What's this?" I reached out and grabbed one of the holographic pieces and twisted it around in my hand.

"To put it in simpler terms, it's just a bigger version of my, use to be, arc reactor to provide endless and clean energy to the tower." oh right, Tony had surgery a few weeks ago and had his reactor removed. I put it down and looked at him.

"She should be here," I mumbled.

"What?" Tony said.

"I mean Tanya should be here, in my position spending time with you, not me." I gave him a small smile and walked away.


Two days later, I was called down to Fury's office when I caught the slightest glimpse of jet black hair and flashing sunglasses crossing paths with me. No it couldn't be? I ran down the hall and turned the corner to catch up to them, but they were gone. They looked exactly like... no, I must be going nuts. He's gone. I have to face the facts.

I turned around and started to walk back to Fury's office.

"Director Fury?" I asked walking into his office. I noticed he had a grin and the T.A.H.I.T.I files from before with COMPLETE stamped on the front.

"Agent Evans," his smile dropped as soon as it came as he tried to hide the files once more, if there something they don't want me to know that's fine, it's none of my business. "What do you need?"

"I don't know, you called me here."

"Oh that's right, I have a mission for you."

"What is it about?"

"We found Aaron." my breathing hitched as the lump in my throat rose. "He's going to be at a celebration hosted by Dr. Van Hu in Italy, tonight."

"So, a scientist's hosting a Rich Snob's only, party."

"If you want to put it that way, yes. He is trying to obtain an element called the Irmaliam,"

"The gem of immortality," I whispered he nodded.

"Someone's been doing there homework."

"My mother use to make me study history on magic. The gem is one of the most powerful and dangerous elements in the galaxy. Even more powerful than the infinity stones." Director Fury had a look of worry cross his mind. "If they're thinking of using that on Aaron, then there planning on having him create havoc for generations. They want to make him, immortal."

"That's why we need you to help retrieve it so we can contain it."

"Contain it!?! Director Fury, something as powerful as that cannot be contained, we cannot let it fall into the wrong hands!" I took a breath "It needs to be destroyed."

"I can't make any promised Agent,"

"And neither can I," I said.

"Fine. Tonight you will go to the party as Dr. Van's head bodyguard. It will be a covert mission, you observe while our guys do the rest. Be careful Aaron will be there so any close contact could risk the mission."

"If Aaron's not getting the gem himself, what's he after?"

"They need the Doctor's eye scan, to open the vault."


"Remember covert but if something out of the ordinary happens you step in. Forget the doctor, one life isn't worth millions to come. Dismissed." I stood from my chair and walked out, for some reason my palms began to sweat. The thought of seeing Aaron again made me happy, but scared. At the same time. I lost him once and I won't let it happen again. Because he's been found.

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