Peter Scares Rhodey

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Hi! So, I kind of got an idea to write this from a one shot I read. I don't remember the author or the book, but I'm putting this here to let you know that I kind of got inspired. I don't remember enough of it to actually have this based on it, but I got the rough idea from it. Just wanted to put that out there. Hope you enjoy! 

       Rhodey never really wanted to admit it, but Peter scared him. Like, come on, who wouldn't be scared by a teenager who walks on the ceiling, climbs walls, can stay awake for several days at a time living off of coffee, and who quotes vines like they're the holy bible? 

        There were times that he would wake up during the night to get a drink of water, and he would see Peter on the ceiling, having one hand on it to hold him there, slurping Lucky Charms while making direct eye contact. He would jump back in surprise, shake his head, and get a drink of water, trying not to look at Peter. And the creepy part? This has happened multiple times.

       Other days, Rhodey would find Peter standing on the ceiling, with a perfectly normal face. No blood rushing to his head, nothing. It was weird and creepy. Peter would just stand on the ceiling, earbuds in, listening to music. Rhodey would walk underneath him on his way to the couch, uncertain about whether or not he should. 

       The times that Peter is the scariest, though, is during prank wars. If Peter and Rhodey were on opposite teams, Rhodey was terrified to go to sleep. He's woken up with Peter sitting on the ceiling, perfectly straight, staring at him, looking possessed. He'd borrow some smoke bombs and make himself look all mystic and creepy, and Rhodey would wake up and that was the first thing he saw. A teenager sitting on the ceiling, staring at him. Without blinking. 

       Whenever he would talk about how scary Peter was, the others would laugh at him, jokingly of course. Rhodey would shake it off and stand firm on his belief that Peter is creepy. Or at least weird. 

       But of course, there would be a time where Peter became less of the weird version of creepy and scary, but turn into a serious, intimidating, terrifying and scary person. And it was of course, when his family was threatened. 

       The Avengers were fighting some really powerful dude who called himself the Twister. (Idk, I just came up with it lol, dunno if there's some actual guy named Twister in the mcu. don't think so tho) The group was fighting the guy's army, trying to reach him. 

       When finally, they had gotten through the army and it was just the Twister, the dude pulled out a gun and aimed it at Tony's head. Peter stepped forward. The Twister turned the gun on him. 

        " Don't move, I'll shoot!" He said angrily. Tony tried to get his kid to back down, but Peter wasn't having any of it. This dude was threatening his family. And that was a big no-no. Peter stepped forward again. The Twister shot, but Peter just stood there, unflinching. He could've moved out of the way, but then it would've hit Natasha, who was behind him. 

       " You think you can threaten my family and get away with it? You really think that you can send an entire army against the people I care about? Do you honestly, really believe that you can hold the person I look up to at gun point and expect me to just back away when I can do something?!" Peter shouted. Twister shot Peter again, but Peter just charged at the Twister and shoved him into the warehouse building that had been right next to them. The Avengers called out for him, but knew it wouldn't do anything. Tony called F.R.I.D.A.Y to show them the live security footage from inside. 

       They all gathered around and watched.

Inside the building

       The lights were all shut off, throwing the Twister off, scaring him. He couldn't see his own hands. Peter started playing with him. 

        " How does it feel, to be alone?" Peter asked, his voice echoing in the empty place. The Twister looked around frantically, unable to see anything. 

        " How does it feel, being unable to see anything in front of you, stumbling in the dark?" Peter asked. The Twister tripped over something, instantly righting himself. Peter laughed. 

       " How would you feel if everything you loved, or worked for, was gone?" Peter asked again. The Twister still didn't answer. He didn't see as Peter came swinging in, punching him square in the face, knocking him down. Peter kicked his stomach, rolling him over. Peter picked him up by the throat and looked him square in the eye. 

       " You sent an army after my family. You tried to have them killed, stabbed, shot, mangled, choked, murdered in such a gruesome way. I don't forgive things like that. You tried to hurt them. I usually give second chances, but-" Peter scoffed and laughed lightly,"- there's not a single chance left for you, buddy." With that Peter disarmed the Twister, threw him to the ground, and shot him with his own weapon. 

Back outside

       The Avengers were terrified. They didn't know this Peter. This wasn't the Peter that laughed and quoted vines, not the Peter that walked on the ceiling just to annoy people. This wasn't their Peter. They were just plain worried by the time Peter walked out of the warehouse, not even limping from his own wounds. 

      Peter pulled off his mask and grinned at them. 

      " Hey guys! Took care of that guy, he's in there!" Peter said cheerfully. He grimaced as he stretched out his arm. The Avengers didn't move for a minute. There was a moment of awkward silence until Peter spoke up. 

       " You watched the footage, didn't you?" Peter asked quietly. The Avengers nodded. Peter sighed. The Avengers walked up to him and hugged him carefully, trying not to touch his wounds. The group headed back to the tower, trying to comfort Peter and assure him that he's okay, and telling him that he wouldn't have to do anything like that again. 

        Rhodey had been with the Avengers during that mission, and had been genuinely terrified of the kid. He was shocked that the kid could be that terrifying. 

      For the next couple of days, Peter was more reserved, thinking over what he had done, and what he should've done. He had just lost his cool; at least that's what he kept telling himself. But eventually he was back to himself, only scaring Rhodey by being weird. The only thing that changed was that Rhodey no longer complained about Peter being scary or creepy. 

Omg okay I don't know what the actual frickity frack that was lol hopefully I'll get something good out soon

Hope you liked it, sorry if it sucked, and as always feel free to leave your thoughts down below! Stay cute my dudes 


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