Peter The Scavenger

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Hi everyone! So this is going to be a one shot kind of about Peter's old tech he uses, like the stuff that he digs out of dumpsters. He built and designed the Spider-Man suit from Homecoming and a few robots, as well as Karen. Don't ask me how lol, he just a big brain speider. He interns for Tony, but no one knows he's Spider-Man (that means Ned too) I think that's it, hope you enjoy!

     Peter whistled as he wandered around the streets of New York. He had some free time, so he was going to go dumpster diving. He had a routine. He would check the dumpsters that usually had some tech in decent shape, then look around at other dumpsters. May always offered to come with him so they could hang out together, but Peter always refused. This was something he liked to do on his own. He had explained that to May the first time, since he had felt bad, and she understood. 

     Today was Peter's lucky day. Someone had thrown away two older phones, some burned out Christmas lights, and some random wires and small batteries. There was so much he could do with this! He excitedly shoved all of the devices into his pockets and hurried back to his apartment. 

     " Hey May! You'll never guess what I found today!" Peter announced excitedly, entering his apartment. He stood in the doorway for a bit, waiting for May, but she never came. So Peter looked around and noticed a note on the fridge from his aunt.

         Hey Peter! I was called into work, they needed me for something. I'm covering the entire night shift, so you won't see me until tomorrow night. I'm really sorry. Tell me all about today when I see you, I know you went out dumpster diving today. I'm excited to here about it! I'll see you tomorrow. Larb you


     Peter sighed and headed to his room, no longer quite as excited as he had been. He sat down at his desk, which had a lot of old computers and TVs on it, as well as a mess of wires, and got to work. His toolbox was open to his side, and he was designing a few robotic spiders that could help him. For example, they could web up nets and such for when Peter was falling and couldn't catch himself. They could also carry extra web cartridges for when Peter ran out of web fluid. They could also be a big help by being like spy drones, kind of like Falcon's Redwing. 

     After a few hours of working, Peter had a prototype. He called it RS-00. The RS was for Robot Spider, and the numbers was what number spider it was. So since it was a prototype, it was 00. Peter sat back, proud of his work. He relaxed for a moment, and thought about all he had accomplished. Do you ever have those moments where you're just like, 'wow, I'm actually capable of some pretty cool shit'? Because that's what Peter was going through as he was thinking. He, Peter Parker, could make technology no one else had from scrapped, old, outdated tech. He had built and coded his own AI. He was making little robots capable of saving people's lives. Peter was pretty cool, he had to admit.

     Peter checked the time. It was ten at night. It was time for Spider-Man to go out. He slipped into his suit and jumped out the window, activating his web shooters. The crime rates had been exceptionally low, so Peter decided to take out RS-00 for a test run. He made sure that the little robo spider was keeping up with him. He was planning on programming the spiders to stick close to him. Not all together since then criminals would know his location by following the spiders, but close enough to be able to get to him when he needed it. So he was testing that with RS-00. So far the little guy was doing good.

     Soon, Karen let Peter know about a robbery happening at a small food shop. Peter quickly swung there and tried to see if RS-00 was going to be successful. It was. The little robot swung into the food shop a little before Peter and had already managed to disarm the robber. Peter was smiling behind his mask. Rs-00 was a success. Peter finished webbing up the robber and reassured the cashier that everything was okay. He called the police and told them there was someone there for them to pick up. It was what he always did. He webbed up the bad guys and the police dealt with the legal part of it. Peter just caught the guys, he never put them away. 

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