A-Tisket, A-Tisket

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Lorelai, Rory, and Anna were at Doose's looking for a basket for the annual Bid on a Basket Fundraiser that the town held. "So, I've decided I'm saving myself for William Holden," Lorelai told her daughters.

"Wow, it's nice out here in left field." Rory lifted an eyebrow.

"And a very odd choice." Anna was looking at more pricey baskets. She had saved up her tips from Lukes to get a basket that she can use all year round. And, that way she wouldn't have to buy a basket every year that would only get thrown away by the end of the day.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Sunset Boulevard was on last night, and I don't know...I've known him for years, Sabrina, Stalag 17, and yet last night something snapped." Something in her said this was the man for her.

"I'll say." Rory laughs.

"I think it was the monkey scene." She told them, getting a look from her daughters.

"You know he's dead, don't you?" Rory informs her.

"The monkey?" Lorelai asks.

"William Holden!" She yelled.

"The movie was made in the 1950s, so it's safe to say the monkeys are dead too." Anna looked at the picnic basket set that came with a blanket, a thermos, plates, containers, and utilities that match the blue fabric lining in the basket. It was around 200 dollars but with all the stuff in it, she felt like it was worth the money.

"Ugh, every great relationship has its obstacles. You'd know that if you weren't dating Andy Hardy." Lorelai playful scoffs.

"This one?" Rory held up a big basket.

"Hm, no." She shook her head.

"Why?" She asks.

"It's too big, it raises expectations." She explained.

"Like there's a home-cooked lunch in there?" Rory smiled.

"Instead of whatever is leftover in our refrigerator... exactly." Lorelai nods.

"Okay, going back to the pile." Rory put the basket back

"I'm getting this one." Anna picked up the suitcase-style picnic basket.

"You sure you want to spend all that money?" Lorelai asked. Anna nodded her head. "Alright, you let Taylor know it's the food in it he's selling, nothing else. If the guy gives you a problem let me know."

"Which guy, the one that buys it or Taylor?" Anna asks.

"Either, I'll kick whos ever ass for my kids." Lorelai puffs her chest out, before deflating as she goes back to looking at the baskets. "Oh, it's quaint, isn't it? The women get to make a nice lunch basket, the men get to bid on it, and the world rotates backward on its axis."

"I think it's fun." Rory smiled.

"That's because you have a pretty boy to bid on your basket." Lorelai smiled.

"Yes, I do." She nods.

"I'm going to go look for ingredients." Anna put her basket into her cart and went down an aisle. She was putting a bag of flour in her cart when her sides were squeezed making her jump and scream. "Jess, what the hell?" She punched his arm.

"Oh my god, is that a basket? You're going to that thing." He looked into her cart.

"Yeah, it's tradition. I've been doing this since I was eleven when we first moved into the house." Even though she lived in Stars Hollow her whole life they didn't start participating in town events until they moved out of the Inn. Before that, they were kept busy with Inn events that they didn't have time for town ones.

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