That'll Do, Pig

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Lorelai, Rory, Anna, and Lane are walking through the center of town. "Are you serious?" Lane stared at Lorelai in disbelief.

"I am serious." She put her mitten-covered hands in her coat pockets.

"We can rehearse in your garage?" She couldn't wait to tell the guys.

"In exchange for the promise that you never pose naked on the cover of Rolling Stone no matter how much trouble your career is in." She gave her one condition.

"I promise. I love you. Do you guys know how amazing your mother is?" She looks at her friends.

"No. Tell them, would ya? They forgot this morning." She pouts.

"Because hot water is enjoyed by all, not just by you." Rory glares.

"I wasn't in the shower that long." She told Lane.

Anna let out a bitter laugh. "The bathroom looked like a steam room when you came out."

"Man, it's winter carnival time again already." Rory noticed the banner on the school building.

"Taylor is finally letting me have a booth this year." Anna stared up at it

"I don't understand why you want to run a booth." Rory thought it was fun to be at the fair, not work it.

"I want to be part of the winter magic." She hummed as she daydreamed about bringing joy to the town folks.

"Are you two going?" Lorelai asks Lane and Rory.

"I have to. We are raising money for the marching band this year, mandatory booth manning is involved." Lane told them.

"Man, Lane... marching band, rock band." She did a fake gasp.

"Music is my life," Lane stated proudly.

"Hi, Mrs. Kim!" Anna waves.

She whipped around in fear to see no one. "So not funny." She glares at her giggling friend.

"Raising money for the marching band to do what?" Rory asks.

"Please let it be new uniforms." Lorelai looks up at the sky to talk directly to the gods.

"It's for letters so we can finally have letter carriers. For some reason, the powers that be think that the reason we never win at competitions is because no one knows who we are. The fact that we suck has never occurred to them." She hated that she had to raise money for such a stupid thing. "What's wrong with our uniforms?" She turned to Lorelai when she realized what she implied.

"Nothing." She said quickly.

"We look stupid, right?" She pushed her to admit it.

"No." She shook her head while Anna was nodding.

"The plumes are too big, and it looks like big red fountains of blood spurting out of our heads." She used her hands to show how it looked like her head was exploding.

"I love the uniforms." She lied.

"It's bad enough I have to be in the marching band at all without being mocked for what is mandatory for us to wear." She joined to help improve her drumming skills.

"No, no, no, I didn't mean, I. . .remind her that she gets to rehearse in our garage 'cause I think I'm losing points here." She turns to her daughters.

"Your uniforms are great, and people knowing who you are can only help. Now let's just enjoy the snow, okay?" Rory lied before changing the subject.

"Okay." Lane nods.

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